Chapter 45: Who's To Believe

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*Jenna's p.o.v*

"Why do you want to kiss me?" I bluntly ask.

Doesn't matter at this point.

"Because I think you're stunning. Also, you're not a famous YouTuber that puts the littlest of business on YouTube just because it involves someone like Tobuscus... you know? I mean, that's exactly why mark doesn't have a girl... well in my opinion. He's a little confusing when it comes to girls. Has he ever showed interest in you?" Toby babbles.

"Not really. He just shows me strong attention in a friendly manner. Nothing more that I've caught on to at least." I lie trying to protect Mark.

"Oh, alright... I see." Toby says then becomes silent.

He looks down to the floor and moves his feet around a bit. His eyes look up to me as his head stays looking toward the floor, then suddenly he looks up at me, cups my face with both his hands, and kisses me slowly.

It caught me so off guard because I really didn't think he would just GO FOR IT LIKE THAT! I barely respond, neither rejecting nor taking in what he's doing so I kind of just... stand there. It's Toby Turner. He took me in yesterday when I wasn't feeling so well. I wasn't feeling so well because of... Mark letting that fan kiss him. She kissed him. Toby kissed me. NO I CAN'T LET THIS HAPPEN!


"Toby fucking Turner." I hear that deep and angry voice come about.

Ohhhhhh shit.

Startled, Toby turns his head toward the voice and becomes absolutely flushed with a guilty look when he sees Mark.

Completely embarrassed, I look down to the floor avoiding all eye contact with Mark.

It wasn't even my fault... Toby kissed me!

No... Mark will never believe me. He'll only think of me as he did before. Using him for his fame to get close to him, only this time with Toby Turner.

I am so ruined.

*Mark's p.o.v*

"I made you a fucking promise and you BETTER not have thought I was only joking." I shout while approaching Toby.

I am filled to the core of anger and disappointment. How dare Toby Turner go against what I expected of him? He went against fucking EVERYTHING I said to his drunken, irresponsible self last night. This asshole probably doesn't remember what I said to him. All that alcohol and poison blocked out his memories. What a sloppy mess this man.


His face just reads how guilty and stupid he feels. He can't even hold eye contact with me. He keeps looking behind me like a scared little cat.

"I literally said to your FACE Toby, that if you even go near Jenna we will gave a serious problem. I am not only upset, betrayed, and grossed out... but I'm fucking pissed off, because you have no fucking IDEA who Jenna is. She's not one of your 'convention hook-ups' you think you could get anytime you go to one. You did it when you and I used to go to conventions together. And you still do it? I am going to break your FUCKING face." I finish saying while clenching my fist.

Without hesitating, I clench my fist as hard as I could get it and send my arm flying toward his STUPID face that dared to kiss my girl.

I would never believe Jenna is one to try and kiss Toby. Never. After everything she has gone through, it would be hard to believe. But she still went against my word and met up with Toby. That alone does break my heart, especially when this is the result.

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