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Hello there, welcome to the first chapter of Do Circuits Sing. I hope you enjoy the story about our favourite deviant hunter and watch his new life unfold as a deviant. Any and all comments are welcome, enjoy the story.

Two months...

Two months since the androids of Detroit had won their freedoms from their masters... the humans. It took hurt, loss and civil war for the revolution to finally come to a peaceful conclusion: Androids were alive, they showed the same emotions humans do and they were not going anywhere.

Markus, the leading android of the revolution had two options, give the humans the peaceful choice to allow androids the same rights as them or the violent way, forcing all humans out of Detroit and taking the city for themselves, banning all that weren't their own. He went for the peaceful option, giving humans the chance to see for real what they felt, he kissed the end of civil war to a grinding halt with his partner North.

Laws were now coming into place, Markus was an ambassador for his people, getting them the same rights as humans and making deals that would help both species work in harmony together.

But, there were still those who didn't believe, they didn't believe androids should have the same rights and should return to being their slaves. That is where this story takes off, the story of how a young detective Brooke Quinn starts her life that is drastically changed with the introduction of androids, one of those androids becomes something more to her, but will it prevail?


Brooke moved to Detroit from Texas, working for a small police firm out in Armadillo, but it was that phone call she got from Captain Jeffrey Fowler that changed her life. The commendations she got from her then-employer made her stand out in her combat skills and diplomatic ones.

The job offered her to move to the beautiful, but chilly city of Detroit, she accepted without a second thought, not having much to leave behind in Armadillo except some close friends. She was offered the role of a detective, working closely with the androids who were still stuck under the thumb of humans.

Brooke moved to Detroit within a few weeks of the offer, not wanting to waste a chance to get started. Her first day had rolled around, nerves did sit at the pit of her stomach, but nothing that couldn't be swallowed back with a big cup of strong coffee.

She continued getting ready for her first day, digging her uniform out of its packaging, the order for her uniform came the day before. Brooke had the basic uniform for a detective, the DPD logo shirt and some tight office trousers which accommodated her tight curves a bit too much for her liking.

With her uniform on and ready, she headed to the bathroom, looking at what to do with her hair. The black thick mess she called her hair was the bane of her life, she had a love-hate relationship with it, being down to her waist it would constantly get in her face and become heavy when wet, but the thought of having it cut made her feel sick, she didn't hate her hair that much to get it cut.

Brooke applied minimal makeup, not wanting to overdo it on her first day, she was too blend in, not stand out. Applying a small amount of foundation and powder, with some mascara for her already thick long lashes that sat above her emerald green eyes.

It was now 8:30 am, time to leave for her first day. "Alright, Brooke, you got this," she encouraged herself through the mirror. Brooke ran to the living room, grabbing her car keys and duffle bag, her full uniform kit was to go everywhere with her, but the hope for lockers would make life easier than lumping the bag back and forth.

"Bye, Nala," Brooke called to her Husky, the only love she couldn't leave behind in Texas, her dog was her life. The five-year-old Husky barked from across the hall, giving her owner her version of goodbye.

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