Airport Security.

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Their plane finally landed at Gatwick airport, it was nearing 11 am when they touched down. Brooke was tired and uncomfortable from sitting down for so long, she had only gotten up a few times during the flight and the food lacked in keeping her happy. Connor was more much comfortable, not requiring rest but still went into a dormant stage for a few hours. He had watched a few movies and tried his best to keep Brooke eased, but the seats were not the best for a lengthy sleep.

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we have now landed at Gatwick Airport, London. The time is 10:56 am, the weather outside is mostly cloudy as an outside temperature of 4.4 celsius. We would like to thank you again for flying with American Airlines, and we hope to see some of you again in the future." Connor had waited for the seatbelt sign to come off before getting up and grabbing the hand luggage that the flight attendant had put away overhead for them before leaving Detroit.

"I forgot how cold the UK is during the winter months," Brooke said as she wrapped her jacket around herself. Connor matched the UK temperature with Americans, finding it would be forty-five degrees Fahrenheit over there, the temperatures were not all that different at the moment, but the wind was definitely felt in the UK.

"We will not stay outside for long," Connor replied with a smile. He passed Brooke her scarf before putting his own jacket on, he didn't need to be all that cautious with this time of weather, he could easily keep himself warm, but Brooke worried him, she was already shivering before they'd even left the plane.

Brooke led the way out of the plane and through the small tunnel out to the main hallway from the plane, she could feel the coldness through the vents, Connor wished he could keep her warm, but he was occupied with their bags. Brooke led them both to the terminal to grab their suitcases, it was different from past conveyor belts of cases, androids now personally passed bags to passengers, the practice still happened in America, but androids were paid and treated as fair workers.

Brooke instantly saw this wasn't the case at Gatwick, the android that passed them their cases had little to no emotion on his face and wore the android standard uniform. She tried to lock eyes with the android when he placed the case by her feet, but he kept his head down, Connor watched Brooke become lost in a glare as she watched the android back away to get his own case.

"Brooke?" he whispered, she turned to him, quickly taking her handbag from him and attaching it to her case, he could see the tears in her eyes.

"They are stuck, we have to help them," she nearly cried in reply. The android returned, placing Connor's case next to him and backing away as if he was scared of being hurt, Brooke glared at the android again. "What is your name?" she asked him, his LED changed to yellow for a split second before quickly replying.

"My name is Jason, ma'am. How may I be of service?" he said in a stern and robotic way. Brooke could see Jason didn't want this way of living, the fear could be seen in his eyes, she let go of her case, moving closer to the android, his LED went yellow again, his brows twitched slightly.

"Brooke..." Connor called, but she ignored him. Brooke stopped just inches from the android, she raised his hand slowly, Jason looked as if he was going to cower to the floor in the pure fear his eyes gave off as he watched her hand move.

Brooke started to lower her hand to him, he closed his eyes, but then opened them quickly when he felt the soft touch of her palm land on her shoulder, she spoke in a very small voice, "we are here to help your people, Jason."

Jason looked as if he was going to cry, he nodded slightly before backing away, Brooke thought her attempt of getting a less robotic response had failed, until his twinkling, watered eyes looked at her, "thank you... Brooke."

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