The Real Truth Of RK900.

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Brooke returned to work the day after arresting Damien, she was excited to interrogate him and charge him with what he deserved. Brooke and Connor agreed to still spend time together at the station, but try to rarely go to the same cases unless it is needed, just for the moment, until Connor could get better control of his emotions when Brooke dealt with shit on the job.

They both arrived at the station together that morning, saying their goodbyes until lunch and went their separate ways. Brooke got to her desk, she first wanted to call Rebecca. She grew a small attachment to Rebecca, her fear and vulnerability made Brooke feel protective of her.

She got Rebecca's personal information up and called her number that would connect to her processors. The call only rang once before she answered. "Hello?" a wary voice said quietly.

"Rebecca? It's Detective Quinn, how are you doing?" Brooke said in a chipper voice. She leaned into her desk, ready to take notes if Rebecca said anything that could have some help.

"Hello, Detective. I am doing okay, thank you for asking. Is there any news about your investigation?" Rebecca sounded much better than the first time they had met, she was more relaxed in her tone of voice and spoke in a louder voice.

"I do have some news, and it's good news. We have found Damien, he's been arrested," Brooke explained. She was excited about being able to put the man away, but she couldn't sound excited when explaining it.

"I am pleased to hear that. Thank you for your help, Detective," Rebecca replied in a soft voice. Brooke pulled a small smile to her lips, happy she could help another android get a better life.

"Did the team help you clean your home up and get you relocated?" Brooke asked, she was leaning back into her chair, looking around the office. Connor had left his desk and walked towards the kitchen, she smiled as he walked past her, he returned the smile. Hank was half-asleep at his own desk, leaning heavily into his desk and resting his head in his hands.

"Yes, they have nearly completed the fixtures and I can return in a week. They come to check on me every few hours and are very helpful towards my needs," Rebecca explained in an appreciative voice. Brooke stilled herself when she saw the cup of coffee be put in front of her. She looked at Connor, smiling at her with another cup in his hand, most likely for Hank. She mouthed him a thank you and got back to her call.

"I am glad to hear that. Damien will be facing jail time for the charges stacked against him, I hope you can slowly start to move on and have a better future for yourself. I wish you all the best, Rebecca," she said with a warm smile. Rebecca seemed to be crying, Brooke could hear sniffling from her end of the call.

"Thank you, Brooke. I am happy to have met you and I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for me, you are one human I will never forget," Rebecca said, heartwarmingly. Brooke took a sip of her coffee, letting the hot liquid fill the back of her throat.

"You are very welcome, Rebecca. I wish you all the best in the future. Goodbye." Rebecca sniffled slightly, but croaked her own goodbye, the call ended and Brooke sat back in her chair, feeling the weight heavy on her shoulders. She was glad Damien was getting put away, but it was at the cost of Rebecca's happiness, it would take her a long time to recover from this.

Brooke needed to get on with her other work, she looked through her morning emails, finding only a few that she needed to reply to. One was from Fowler, asking for her statement about what had happened with Gavin, she replied to him with what she witnessed and hoped it would be enough to suspend Gavin for a few weeks, she needed a break from him. It did seem Gavin was coming into work that day as by then he would have arrived.

The next email made Brooke double-take herself when she first read it, she had to read it again. It was Kamski, he wanted to meet her... alone. No one but him and her at his house out on the outskirts of Detroit. He didn't say a reason why or even a time, just for her to come up that same day, he had only sent the email a couple of hours ago.

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