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Brooke wasn't sure what she was expecting when she got to the top of the Cyberlife tower, but she definitely wasn't expecting to see so many deviants around working for the company. Most near the top were Chloes, but they could be told apart from hair colour and clothes. One of the many Chloe's took them to Kamski's office which was located on the top floor of the Cyberlife tower, the ride in the lift was silent as everyone kept to themselves, Brooke leant into Connor, he looked down at her, smiling slightly. She was nervous, this place felt odd and unsafe in a way.

"Elijah will see you in just a moment, please make yourself comfortable," Chloe said as she left them in the waiting room and walked through the doors across the lift. Connor led Brooke down to the couch to take a seat, Markus looked around at the pictures and wall decorations whilst Hank sat down with a heavy thump, not wanting to be there at all.

Chloe walked back out five minutes later, holding the door open for them all to walk through, "Elijah will see you now," she said in a chipper voice. Brooke looked at her as she walked past, Chloe didn't seem much like a deviant, but her LED was gone and she wasn't wearing anything to give her away as an android, she seemed more professional then most working deviants had previously met.

They all walked through the door, stopped just through the threshold into Kamski's office, it was massive, decorated with the finest statues and wall hangings. His desk sat at the heart of the room with his oversized desk chair and a few smaller chairs on the other side of his desk and then some against the wall. The office was finished off with windows that spanned the full side from behind his desk.

Kamski was sitting down in his chair, facing away from them. They all walked closer, Hank stayed at the back, he didn't trust Kamski at all and wished they'd never even came. Connor cleared his throat, which didn't do much to get a reaction from him.

"Hello, old friends," Kamski said in a low voice, he slowly spun around, looking like the villain in a typical hero movie. "Well, I wasn't expected to see the great Markus as a deviant," he smirked as he spoke.

Markus tightened his fists, slowly walking to the end of the desk. Kamski didn't budge, he waved his hand for them all to take a seat. Hank took the seat against the wall, more than happy to observe than actually speak.

"You have seen me before," Markus said sitting down, "before I went to Carl." Kamski nodded, holding his fingertips together whilst resting his elbows on his arm-rests.

"Correct, but you were nothing more than a machine then," he replied, looking over at Connor and Brooke. He eyed them both for a moment before smirking and looking away.

"How times change," Markus lazily replied, slumping back in his chair. Kamski shrugged, softening his expression slightly.

"How is Carl?" he asked in an even tone. Markus knew he was a personal gift to Carl from Kamski and it seemed they cared for each other.

"He is doing okay, I visit a few times a week. Unfortunately, he is bed-bound after the heart attack," Markus replied in a softer tone. Kamski nodded, not needing any more information on his old friend. He looked back at Connor.

"How is deviant life treating you, Connor?" Brooke looked at him. Connor's eye twitched slightly as his LED lulled at a steady yellow, it seemed really traumatising for him to be there. She nudged his shoulder slightly, trying to get his attention back from wherever it went.

Connor blinked quickly, getting his LED back to blue, he looked at Brooke with a calm expression before turning back to Kamski. "Hard to say, it hasn't been long enough to determine yet. But.. feelings are harder to understand," he replied with a stern voice.

"Humans have their whole life to get used to understanding feelings, puberty is the best time to get control of them, but for you, Connor, puberty isn't a thing. So, unfortunately, you'll have to learn the hard way," Kamski said, not changing the smirk on his lips the whole time he spoke.

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