Our Goodbyes.

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A/N: So this is one of the two endings I have. You can guess by the title what is going to happen... I'm just trying not to cry as I write this. Warning! This has heavy character death, including the death of a beloved pet's.

Life was one of pure bliss for Connor, Brooke, and their family. The years were rolling on for them both, but their love for each other hadn't changed at all. Work was going well for them both and Annabelle was the best daughter they could ask for, she was kind, helpful and a sweet girl.

Brooke knew life was going to be short for her, but she decided to spend as much as she could of her time left on Earth with Connor and Annabelle.

2044: The phone call from Hank made everyone's day slow down. a pin could be heard falling from the silence in the room. Connor got Annabelle ready whilst Brooke hurried Nala to the car, they only had moments to be able to make it in time.

"Tell me it's not true?" Brooke cried as she rushed inside, seeing Hank on the floor, a vet by his side. Sumo, the now much older dog, was struggling to breathe. They all knew this was their goodbyes with the fluffy companion.

"You must say your goodbyes, it is time," the vet says. He excuses himself to get the equipment needed for Sumo's end. Annabelle dropped by Hank, hugging the side of the older man.

"I'm sorry Grandpa, Sumo will be missed," she cried on his side. Hank patted her head, too upset to even speak. Nala broke free from her collar, seeing her best friend struggling forced her to run over and lick the side of his face. She tried to get him to play, but the St Bearnard just sighed and closed his eyes with a big heaving breath.

"I can't believe this is happening," Brooke cried. She looked at Connor, the android was frozen, not sure what to do. But the blue-stained tears told Brooke he was heartbroken, she wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling them both close together.

The vet had returned, he got down to Sumo's level and shaved a bit of his fur off from his leg, getting the needle lined up, the old dog barely moved to the needle entering his skin. "It will be just a few more minutes."

Hank laid his head next to Sumos, his arm wrapped around his neck. "You've been a good boy, Sumo. Never forget that. We will meet again," he said with a dry voice. Sumo licked the side of his cheek, tasting the salty tear.

With one last breath he gave a low happy growl and closed his eyes, the paw in Annabelle's hand fell limp. Nala turned around, head towards the ceiling as she howled into the night. Her best friend now gone.

"Annabelle, come here," Brooke calls. She pulls the girl into a tight hug as Connor falls by Hank's side, his body nearly covering the older man's body.


It had been weeks since Sumo's death, Hank had been able to get on with life without crying so much. But Nala was a different story, the Husky wasn't the same. She barely ate and wasn't in the mood to play with anyone.

Brooke tried everything for her pet, but she was set in her new way and wasn't about to change anytime soon. Only time could heal the pup's heart.

2045: Gavin getting married wasn't something Brooke ever expected to happen, let alone be invited back when their relationship was so rocky. But there she was, Annabelle sat by her side as Gavin's fiance, Daisy walked down the aisle.

They both had known each other for a few years, she was a police officer and close friend of Hank's. Marriage wasn't something either wanted... until one drunken night led to the birth of their two-year-old son, Issac. Through Issac, they saw their love for each other and decided to begin the relationship properly.

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