Odd and New Emotions.

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Brooke loved the DPD, everyone welcomed her and the workload she first started with was now levelling out. She hadn't seen Connor nor this Hank since her first day, it seemed they were always away from the office. Brooke had completed her first week with high praises after she was able to help a deviant that was homeless, trying to hide from their old abusive owners. 

Brooke was able to get the deviant to one of the android Havens, Markus had set up around the city. Fowler complimented her ability to help the deviant when she got back to the station. She was finishing the last of her paperwork for the week but became distracted when someone slammed their hands on her desk, sighing she looked up. Gavin stood over her, smirking on his lips. 

"So, heard you helped another little robot," he snarled at her. Brooke looked at him with half-hooded eyes, she ran into him nearly every day, it's like he never had any work to do. 

"The deviant has a name if you actually gave a shit," Brooke argued back. She looked back down at her paperwork, completely dismissing him. Gavin dropped his smirk, now looking insulted with her ignorance.

"I don't care what its name is, it's no more than a microwave anyway." Brooke didn't look at him, but nodded slightly, chuckling at his pathetic words. Gavin walked around her desk, pushing the back of her chair's headrest back so she was forced to look at him. "You think you're better than me or something?" 

"No, but I will be if you don't back the fuck up," Brooke said. Gavin faltered when he felt something hard against his stomach, Brooke held her gun against him, she wouldn't shoot but it didn't mean she couldn't threaten him with it. 

"Oh, I'm so scared," he laughed in her face. It made her feel sick, having his gross breath so close to her face. Gavin quickly stopped laughing and stumbled back when a hand dragged him off her chair. Brooke stood up but was blocked when Connor stood between them both. 

"Gavin, I would advise you to leave Miss Quinn alone," Connor calmly said, but Brooke could see his hands clenched into fists, she would love to see Connor knock him out. Gavin walked up to him, stopping just inches from his face. 

"You think you can touch me and get away with it, little fucking robot. Why don't you go there and play with the coffee machine, you still haven't learnt how to get me one yet," Gavin shouted in his face, Connor didn't reply, he stood nearly a head higher then Gavin. 

Connor wasn't going to let Gavin bully Brooke, she was still new to her job and was still settling in. Connor felt a warm hand push him to the side, Brooke stood where he was standing before being moved. He was going to protest, but his mouth quickly shut when he watched Gavin fall to the floor. Brooke punched him square in the face, he could hear some bones in Gavin's nose crack. 

"Could someone come to get this fucker away from me, he is making my desk look messy," Brooke shouted at the officers watching. Fowler had watched everything, he opened his door aggressively. 

"Reed, get your ass in my office now!" Gavin was rolling around on the floor, holding his face, one of the officers helped him up, blood was seeping from his nose. He aggressively pulled away from the officer when he stood back up, he glared at Brooke.

 "You won't get away with this," he said with a croaky voice. Brooke flipped him off, she could have sworn she heard Connor chuckle beside her. 

"I'm so fucking scared, you better go before Fowler drags your ass to his office." Brooke waved her hand for him to get moving, he looked between her and Connor then slowly walked away, Fowler pushed him into his office before turning to Brooke, he gave her a small smirk before slamming the door behind him. 

"You okay?" Connor asked, getting Brooke's attention. She holstered her gun that she had left on the desk and sat back down in a huff. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Wanted to kill the fucker though," she said rubbing the back of her neck. Connor turned to sit in his own desk but turned his chair to face her. "What did he mean about the coffee?" 

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