Android/Human Hybrid.

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A/N: Hi everyone! This is the second ending to the story. The happier ending for those that want that, enjoy!

Brooke had thought about this decision for nearly a year, it was a massive change for her and there was still the chance it wouldn't work.

A year prior Kamski called her and Connor to his office, he had been working on a new product. Something that shocked them both...

One Year Ago-

"Let me get this straight," Brooke says, looking at Connor in pure shock. "You want to give me a heart transplant and give me a Therium pump?"

Kamski nodded, it wasn't too hard for them both to understand. It scared Connor more than anything, he knew nothing about it and couldn't go off his statistics for once. "In short, yes," he replies.

Kamski leaned back in his office chair, hands hugged together over his chest. His Chloe stood by his side, a soft smile and nod with an agreement they should accept his offer.

"But, how do I know it will even work? We still have troubles with normal heart transplants nowadays. A Therium pump is a totally foreign object for my body." Brooke and Connor were enjoying married life before this happened, now everything they knew about humans and androids was thrown on the table, could it even be possible? Maybe one day a human and android could birth a child together.

Kamski stood up from his seat and moved in front of Chloe, she started to unbutton his shirt. They both watched with a slight dip in their heads as to why this man was stripping in front of them both. Chloe pulled his shirt off and walked across the room to a machine with a piece of x-ray equipment attached to it.

"Please observe," she politely asks them both. Kamski sits back down and lets Chloe put the cold gel on his chest. He barely flinches as she applies pressure with the scope, the screen lit up with a live image of his chest, but it wasn't a heart. It was a Therium pump, much the same as Connor's.

"Jesus... You have one?" Brooke shouts, her mouth dangling open in shock. Chloe takes the machine off his chest and passes him his shirt back.

"You see," he starts, buttoning his shirt back up. "I have done this to myself, of course with the help of Chloe. It has put my life expectancy up to one hundred and seventy-five years."

"The same as me..." Connor finally speaks. Brooke glances at him quickly before turning back to him.

"Correct, Connor. It can be upgraded to be longer, but I will not be giving this out worldwide. I am offering this to you and Hank," he explains, looking at Brooke the entire time.

"I... I don't know, Kamski. Can it fail?" Kamski looks down at his desk, sighing to himself. There was always a chance of things like this failing, but he always looked at the advantage, something most wouldn't.

"A heart transplant has an acceptance rate of thirty-two percent. My Therium pump transplant has a sixty-eight percent chance of being accepted by your body. I had no complications of my own and recovered at almost double the rate." He stood up and slowly walked across the room, looking out at his skyscraper windows. "I know my life's work will be under threat if I die. I need to make sure I can be there for androids for as long as I can. This was my answer."

"I... I need time to think about it." Brooke couldn't say anymore before she rushed out of the room, feeling the panic overtake her.

"I understand her fear, Connor. But this is your chance to not have her for just a period of your life. Give her this," he says as he passes Connor a leaflet, something Kamski made with all the information about the transplant.

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