The United Kingdoms Prime Minister.

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*Hey, everyone. I apologise for being quiet this last week. I've been working and had a holiday over the weekend, but I'm now back with this chapter and the next will be published soon after.*

Brooke woke up around 6 pm, feeling much more refreshed from earlier, but also feeling much comfier compared to her plane seat. She rolled over to look around the room, Connor was nowhere to be seen. She grabbed her phone off the mantelpiece, checking her messages, she had one miss call from her dad.

She rang him back, it was only 1 pm where he was, so she knew he would answer. The call rang just a couple of times before he picked up, "hello, sweetheart. How are you doing?" Brooke hadn't told her dad anything about going to the UK nor one thing about her android boyfriend.

"Hi, dad. I am well, I am actually in the UK at the moment." She sat up on the bed, leaning against the headboard, the room was darker as the natural lighting had been taken over with dark clouds and the cover of night.

"Why are you there?" he asked in surprise. Brooke had always been close to her dad, she spoke to her mum on occasion, but her parents divorced a long time ago and it was her dad who helped keep her dreams alive of becoming a detective.

"The leader of the deviant, Markus, asked me and... someone else to travel over to help with getting freedoms for androids over here," she said in a shy voice. She could hear her dad snicker in the background of trying to hide the nervousness in her voice.

"And who exactly is this someone else?" Brooke did want to tell her dad about Connor, but her partners were always penalized by him, and the fact that her partner was an android worried her that he may not accept Connor.

"He is... my partner, Connor," Brooke spoke her words quickly with less than a second of breath between. Her dad laughed in response.

"Connor, eh? And well will I get to meet this new man in your life?" he asked with the tone of any worried father. Brooke climbed out of bed, finding her top and shorts already laid out for her.

"I don't know, he is busy with work," she defensively replied. Brooke's father was one of high standards for the men that dated his daughter, a job was one of the main things he expected from them.

"Job? And what does your mystery man do?" he asked. Brooke put her phone on speaker and placed it on top of the drawers so she could get ready.

"I work with him, he's a fellow detective," she said with honour

"Well, I must meet this fellow detective, Connor," he said with a loud voice. Brooke heard footsteps coming from down the hall.

"Brooke?" Connor called to her. Brooke threw her top over her head before quickly taking the phone off speakerphone.

"Was that him just then?" Connor walked into the bedroom, he stopped himself from speaking any further when he saw she was on the phone.

"Yes, but I need to go," Brooke said with a rush, her dad tried to speak again but she abruptly ended the call. Connor walked over to her, watching her run her hands over her face with a heavy sigh.

"What's the matter? That was your father, correct?" He closed the distance between them, Brooke placed her palm over his bare chest.

"Yes, it was. He was adamant about meeting you, but he can be overwhelming and..." she paused with disappointment at not revealing Connor was an android.

"He does not know I'm an android," Connor finished her incomplete sentence. Brooke dropped her head in shame, feeling the guilt take over, Connor ran his hand through her flowing hair, sweeping it behind her ear. "I understand your struggle to tell him."

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