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Vancouver... the most tranquil, beautiful and peaceful city in Canada. It was known for its freedom of androids long before the revolution. It was also a very expensive place to live, so Connor shouldn't have been all surprised when the taxi pulled up to Brooke's father's house, it was massive.

He owned twenty acres of wooded land with horses, sheep, cows and other farm animals. He had workers that helped around the house and kept the farm going, but as Brooke explained, her father treats his staff well and paid them much more than what would be expected from him. Some also stay in his house for extended periods of time. 

The house was a masterpiece of an art-like landscape. It was a seven-bedroom detached mansion. Connor quickly took notice of the cars parked in the drive, two of which were the newest smart cars on the market. 

"How does your father have so much money?" Connor asked as he leaned into Brooke. She offered him a small smile before speaking.

"He was an officer along with Hank years before I was born. But then decided to leave the job and start investing. After he and my mum divorced she took nearly all he had. He had me, nothing else, he went back to detective work and saved up for more investing. He bought this plot of land, known for its bad farming, definitely during the winter months. But he built from there and now he's one of the best-known farmers still going in this decade."

Connor sat back, shocked at how well her father had done. She chuckled at his open-eyed reaction. "Will he like me?" Brooke looked at him again, raising a brow to his question. Connor sighed and explained more, "will he like me for who I am. A robot loving a human?"

Brooke felt her heart break when he asked, she didn't see Connor as a robot, he was more human than she was sometimes. She placed her hand over his, giving him a reassuring squeeze, "you are more human than most. You are not just a machine, Connor. He will love you for who you are or he loses me, there is no other lane he can be in."

"But, I don't want to cause problems between you and your father." Since becoming RK900, Connor noticed he cared much more about people and their feelings. It somewhat got in the way with his work, but he knew it would take more time for him to get full control of this body and its... odd traits.

"I don't give a shit, we are in this together and he will accept you as you are. If not, we both leave." Brooke couldn't lie to say she was nervous about this. Her dad was known to be an ass to anyone dating his daughter, he will ask the most awkward questions.

"Do we tell him straight away?" Brooke shook her head, seeing her father wait outside the front door as the car pulled up in the rounded drive.

"Not yet, I haven't seen him in over a year, just fake breathing for now and well... be you. You are just like a normal human, minus the breathing." Connor nodded, he could simulate breathing and do it whilst doing physical tasks such as running, exercising or fighting. 

Brooke patted his shoulder before jumping out of the car and running to her father. The fifty-five-year-old was massive compared to Brooke. He was around the same build as Hank, but a bit skinner. Connor got out of the car and helped the driver get their luggage, he watched Brooke be spun around like a little kid, he smiled slightly as she giggled.

"I missed you, pa," she shouted as her dad came to a slow stop from the spin. He partly tickled her in the one place only he knew and finally put her down.

"I missed you too, sweetpea. How have you been? How's Hank?" Brooke realised she hadn't come up with a backstory for Connor, she told her dad Connor was related to Hank, but she didn't say in what way.

"Hank is well, I am still shocked you did not tell me about Cole. It was awkward when I asked how he was." John, her father, scratched the back of his neck with a small bit on his lip.

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