Human Emotions.

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Brooke woke up to the feeling of a herd of elephants on her head, she tried to roll over to grab her phone, but something was holding her down. She opened her eyes, seeing her body laid on someone's chest. "Oh, please, tell me this is a nightmare," she begged to anyone listening, she lifted herself slightly, taking a look at who she was laid on.

"Connor!" she shouted, his eyes snapped open, making her squeal when he looked straight at her. Brooke pulled away from him, looking down to see she was only wearing a bra and her jeans. "Please, tell me... we didn't." She waved her finger between them both.

Connor held himself up with his elbows, trying to wake himself up, he had gone into a deeper dormant stage than usual. "What? No, we just slept. You asked me too," he said rubbing his eyes.

Brooke slumped back into her bed, "thank fuck for that." She didn't need her life going downhill if she's sleeping with someone she has only known a week and wasn't even dating. "What happened last night?"

Connor got himself out of bed, feeling the need to stretch for some unknown reason. "I came to drop your bag off to you and found you weren't home. I got in with the key in your bag. I hope you didn't mind." Brooke shrugged, she trusted Connor. "I fed Nala and found out you were at Jimmy's bar, I brought you home, but not before you threw up twice, once on me."

Brooke groaned into her hands, "dammit, I'm so sorry. Thank you for bringing me home." She took her hands away, now only looking down at his body. His chest was broad and well-shaped, his stomach was lined with a deep six-pack, she shook her head, trying to not look like she was dribbling. "I didn't... uh, try it on with you?" Connor bent his neck to the side, confused by the phrase. Brooke looked at his flashing yellow LED, "god sake, I didn't try to have sex with you, did I?!"

"Oh, no," he said, Brooke felt relief. "But, you did try to kiss me," he said right after, Brooke felt herself slowly die of embarrassment, she tried to kiss an android and someone who is still new to emotions, it made her feel guilty as if she was using him.

"I am so sorry, Connor. I shouldn't have put you through that, I never meant to confuse you anymore," Brooke said, she got herself out of bed, grabbing her jumper to throw over her half-naked front.

"I am not angry you tried, I wish you did." Brooke raised her eyebrows in surprise. "But I would not take advantage of you when you were intoxicated." Brooke rubbed the back of her neck, her cheeks flushed red.

"Right, yeah.. um. I'm going to grab and shower and we can head to work." She looked down at the corner where they had left their clothes. "Shit, you haven't got any clothes. I'll drop you off at yours to grab some clothes."

Connor followed her gaze to his sick stained work uniform. "That is alright, I can leave now and meet you later," he said, bending down to grab his shirt. Brooke looked at his ass, then smacked herself for gawking.

"No, it's fine," she said quickly, she jogged to her wardrobe, digging out a jumper for him. "Here, this might be a bit big, it's my dads, but I can't have you wearing clothes I ruined, I'll get them cleaned for you." She pushed the jumper towards his chest then grabbed their dirty clothes and ran to the kitchen to throw in the washing machine.

Nala was jumping by the back door, needing to use the bathroom. Brooke opened the door and moved to lean against the counter, she felt her heart race, she was acting like a stupid horny teenager around him.

"Everything okay?" Connor called from the hall, Brooke startled herself and nearly fell into the counter, her thoughts were all over the place, she needed to get some space from him.

"Uhh. yeah, all good. I'm going to head in the shower, make yourself at home and I'll take you to your place to get you some fresh clothes," she said quickly walking past him, he turned to watch her nearly sprint down the hall and slammed the bathroom door behind her.

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