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Brooke didn't remember much after she and Connor had laid in bed together the night before, she woke up to her and Connor still a naked, tangled mess together, he was in his dormant stage, she could feel him breathing behind her with his face burrowed into her hair.

Brooke knew as long as she didn't move too quickly nor said his name, he wouldn't wake up. She started to slowly move his arm from her waist and pulled her legs out from his, he rolled himself over and faced the ceiling, still soundly asleep. Brooke looked at him, he was beautiful and peaceful.

She grabbed an oversize shirt and tiptoed to the kitchen, saying her good mornings to Nala and letting her relieve herself. Brooke turned the coffee machine on before she sorted Nalas breakfast, Brooke waited for her mug to fill whilst she looked outside, the weather was starting to become warmer, but ice still sheened over the pavements.

Brooke sat down at the table, holding her cup of coffee close to her lips, she reminisced about the night before. Connor was something else last night, Brooke knew Connor wasn't the first guy she had slept with, but there was something different about him, he didn't have sex with her in the goal of just finishing and going to sleep, he kept at her pace and made sure she was okay. The deep feeling in the pit of her stomach made her smile, she really did love Connor, but it was too soon to say the words, she wanted to make sure he was ready for those words as well.

She heard the bedroom door open, Connor walked out wearing some jogging bottoms, he was trying to fix his hair, but it was stuck in all directions.

"Morning," Brooke said with a smile, Connor sat down across from her, his demeanour had changed, he seemed more laid back and relaxed.

"Good morning," he replied, he gave up with his hair and pushed it all back. Brooke chuckled as she took a drink of her coffee. "You could have woken me when you got up," Connor said.

"You looked too peaceful and I thought you might have been tired from the night before," Brooke replied with an even tone. Connor smirked at her, shaking his head slightly.

"I never get... tired, but last night was very enjoyable." Brooke got up from her chair, taking her cup to the sink, she turned around to lean against the counter.

"Well," she said pulling her t-shirt over her head and letting it drop to the floor, "I'm going for a shower, if you want a more enjoyable time with me, you more then welcome to join me," she said as she walked past, letting her fingers glide against his shoulder as she passed him. Connor muttered something under his breath, but he seemed lost at the sight of her walking down the hall and into the bathroom.

Brooke started the shower and grabbed some towels whilst she waited for it to warm up. She made sure to leave the door open before getting under the water, she let it run through her hair and down her body. The water was hot against her skin, but she felt something cold press against her, Connor had gotten in and wrapped his arms around her, already semi-hard.

Brooke turned around and let him push her against the cold tile wall, she hissed as the cold hit her skin, but moaned when Connor started to bite down her neck, she felt herself already becoming hot for him. Connor moved down to her breasts, sucking and nibbling them, Brooke moaned deeply, moving her hands through his wet hair.

They both wanted it quicker this time, the thirst for each other was too much. Connor picked Brooke up, letting her wrap her legs around his waist as he held her back against the wall, he knew he wouldn't slip and could take her weight.

Brooke moved her hand down between their bodies, guiding him inside her, this time around she didn't find it as painful for accommodating his size, and it was relieving since Connor didn't wait for her as he started to move his hips to push her into the wall.

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