Time To Go Home.

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The next few days made everything fall into place, androids were converting by the thousands and the humans were accepting them with open arms. Some were still partly worried about accepted deviants, but they were quickly swayed in their opinions.

Charlotte's killer was held in court, but the amount of evidence stacked against him was staggering and even pleading guilty with the chance of a lesser charge was not enough for the judge to charge him with life imprisonment with no chance of parole.

Brooke and Connor had done the job they were sent to do and it was finally time to go home, Brooke was looking forward to being home with Nala and finally starting the next chapter with Connor in their own home. Lara had stopped by to say her goodbyes and thank them for their help. It was somewhat emotional between her and Brooke, both women had become close over the trip and considered each other friends.

They had just arrived at the airport when Brooke was stopped by her phone ringing, Hank's name appeared on her screen. "Hey, Hank, we are about to board our flight," she said with a smile.

"Hey kiddo, glad to hear that. Listen, I called to let you both know that President Warren just finished her conference about the worries of android laws not coming in fast enough." Connor could hear the full conversation without needing Brooke to put the call on loudspeaker. She looked over at him, but he nodded with a positive smile.

"Has she finally gotten her head out of her ass?" Brooke asked with a light chuckle.

Hank grumbled a chuckle in return before answering, "yes. Markus had won her over and all the laws have now been completed. Androids can get married, adopt or transfer to new bodies from the assembly plant that has finally been given to Markus."

"There sounds like there is a catch to all this?" Connor said loud enough for his voice to carry through the phone's mic.

"There is," Hank replied. "Androids must start to pay taxes, the same amount as humans and there will be a contract to just how many androids are allowed to be created due to your long life span, Warren doesn't want the country overrun with androids." Connor could see the point in those rules, androids lived double the amount of time as humans and they didn't need things like food and heating to survive.

"I can respect those rules," he said. Their flight number had made its announcement to boarding. "Hank, we must go. Our flight is due to depart soon."

"Safe travels, kids. I'll meet you both at the airport," he said as the call ended. They collected their bags and went to their boarding gate. The worries of travelling before were now gone for Connor, he was excited to be back in the sky again. This time it was the middle of the day they were leaving so the scenery would be better than the darkness of night.


Their tickets and passports were checked and they both boarded the plane, Brooke let Connor sit next to the window as he seemed excited to see the clouds and sky. The announcements had just finished from their pilot when the plane was ready for taking off.

"Are you going to be okay?" Brooke asked as she leaned into him, he looked from the window to her, a confident smile on his lips.

"Yes, I have no more fears about flying," he replied. Brooke nodded with a smile and sat back in her seat. The engine hum filled the plane as it built up speed, Connor watched the whole event from the window, a smile that looked like a child in a sweet shop. The plane left the ground and Brooke could feel her stomach drop from the sensation of lifting.

"You sure you're okay?" she asked once again. Connor looked at her, but he then changed his gaze to where Brooke looked, his hand was gripped tightly to the armrest of the seat, he had also peeled back his skin to show the white shell.

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