Forever and Always.

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Big smut warning for this chapter! Hope you all enjoy.

Brooke pulled up to her house, glad to be home. Connor smiled as he saw her home again, he wondered where the evening would lead them. They both got out of the car and headed for her front door, Nala could be heard barking before they entered the house, the husky welcome them, jumping on the spot to get their full attention, she licked the side of Connor's face when he knelt down to greet her.

"She loves you," Brooke said with a warm smile. Connor's LED flashed yellow: love... he still didn't fully know the term. He thought he loved Brooke, but he wasn't sure, he knew he liked things, but love was something different.

"I like her too," he replied with a small smile. Brooke looked at him but shrugged her shoulders. She told herself she wasn't going to question his thoughts on what he liked or loved, he was still understanding them.

"I'm going to take her for a walk and then cook some dinner, you can join me or stay here and do whatever you want." Brooke walked to the kitchen to grab her leash, Connor stood by the door.

"I would like to cook you dinner," he said with a warm smile. Brooke turned, her brows raised in surprise, she never had anyone but her parents cook for her before.

"Really, do you even know how to cook?" Connor's LED flashed yellow again, it was becoming a good indicator of his thoughts for her, she waved her hands with an embarrassed laugh, "don't answer that, of course, you do," she chuckled.

Connor walked to the kitchen and started to rummage through the cupboards and fridge to see what she had. "Is there anything specifically you didn't like?" Connor asked with his head shoved in the fridge.

"No, I eat just about anything," Brooke replied, clipping Nala's leash on and turning towards the door. "I'll be about twenty minutes."

Connor closed the fridge, walking towards Brooke in a few long strides, he moved her close to him as he planted a firm kiss on her forehead. "I'll see you soon," he huskily whispered, it sent a shiver down her spine, she could get used to this type of home comforts with Connor.

Brooke gave him a small smile, rubbing her thumb against his cheek, she turned and walked out of the door. Connor waited for the door to fully close before turning back to the kitchen, he had more than a million recipes saved to his databanks, and more with a quick search if need be. He went for a dish that would be done before she got home.


Brooke took Nala on their usual route, turning up by the local shops and a quick stroll around the park. Her mind wandered to many things during the walk, it was hard for her to figure out how this would work with Connor, they were different species for one, even if they look alike, they are still different and he can live double the age then she can.

Brooke felt scared and partly sick to think of Connor trying to love her when she's an elderly woman, he would become her career than her lover, she didn't want that for him, and once she and Hank were gone, she begged to anyone listening that he wouldn't be alone. Shaking the thoughts away, the bitter cold forced Brooke to turn back towards the house, she was too anxious to be out any longer during the evening.

Brooke was close to her house when the scent hit her, even with the heavy rain smell, she smelt the scent of salmon, one of her favourite dishes. Surely not, she thought to herself.

Brooke opened the door, letting Nala walk through whilst she took her wet boots and jacket off, throwing them to the side to sort later.

The smell hit her again, it was beautiful. She saw Connor leaning over the sink, washing pots and pans. "You cooked already?" she called as she walked towards the kitchen. Her kitchen table was cut off from site by a low wall that separated half the kitchen to the living room, but she saw it on the table when she walked by. Her favourite type of fish: Salmon, cooked with mashed potatoes and roasted carrots.

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