Kamski's Future Plans For Androids.

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Brooke pulled up to Connor's apartment, Hank had informed her Connor left the DPD a while ago to try and look for her, worried where she had gone off too. Brooke tried to apologise on the phone to Hank, but he didn't much care, Connor had been in hysterics about where she could have gone. Brooke didn't tell Hank she went to see Kamski, it wasn't his business at that moment.

Brooke parked up next to Connor's car, he must have been home a while as the light snow had settled over the bonnet and roof of his car. She hoped he was still there and not gone back out in the bad weather to try and look for her, she was already feeling guilty for lying to him. She readied herself for the questions as she got out of her car, and quickly ran up the stairs to the apartment complex, the warmth of the lobby was a welcome feeling. 

The ride in the lift was tense, Brooke was constantly worrying about what Connor would say and also all the things Kamski had said to her was alarming... RK900, the name replayed itself in her head continually.

"Welcome, Miss Quinn," the elevator announced as the doors to Connors apartment opened. Brooke walked through, she instantly saw him on the couch, facing away from her towards the blank TV screen.

"Connor?" she called out lightly. His head shot up, rubbing his eyes he quickly got up and rushed over to her, scanning each part of her body for any signs of danger that may have come to her. "You okay?" she asked as he stopped in front of her, she could tell he had been in a dormant stage by the hood of his eyelids and his clothes were mostly discarded, besides his jeans and shirt.

"Am I okay?!" he said in an alarmed voice, "I should be asking you that. Where did you go?" Brooke waved her hand for him to calm down, she grabbed his wrist and took him over to his couch, sitting them both down across from each other.

"I will tell you, but you can't freak out," she started in a slow voice. Connor didn't seem ready to be calm or not freak out, he had already scanned her, but the feeling he had to keep checking for something was driving him to scan everything, from her heart rate, pulse and bodily functions. "I was with Kamski," she finally admitted.

Connor pulled himself back, narrowing his brows in wonder. "Why were you with Kamski? Why didn't you tell me?" He was trying to keep calm, but the trust he had for Kamski was still new and growing, he appreciated his help back at Cyberlife, but he didn't trust him enough to be alone with Brooke.

"He emailed me this morning, asking that I meet at his house to answer some questions," she explained. This was just making Connor even angrier, he didn't like the idea of Brooke being alone in his house, even if he had all his Chloe's there, it wasn't good enough for him.

"What questions?" Brooke swallowed heavily, ready for the shouting.

"About you," she simply and quickly answered. Connor huffed under his breath, he was trying to keep calm and listen to her, it was something he had to do as her partner, but he was seeing red right now, Brooke knew that too with the red lulling of his LED.

"Why did you answer questions about me? I should trust you not to do so," he said as calmly as possible, but the quick change her Brookes expression told him he was being too aggressive with his words.

"He... he.." She tried to get her words out, but they wouldn't form. She held in her breath, closing her eyes and remembering the look of the docile Connor she saw back at Kamski's house, it was a scary sight, she was glad it wasn't something she would see when she looked at her Connor. "He activated one of your old bodies and showed it to me," she finally spat out in one breath.

Connor shot up from the couch, taking a few paces back, feeling his anger hit boiling point. "What do you mean?" he shouted at her, now not caring about the tone of his voice.

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