A Not So Normal Day Out.

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Brooke woke up later than she usually did that morning, her sleep was nice and refreshing. She dreamed that night, but of Connor, he confused her as to why she was doing that, yeah, he was handsome and kind, but did she really find him attractive?

She rolled herself to the other side of her bed, grabbing her phone and checking her messages. Connor never replied, but she guessed he didn't need to. It wasn't much of a text to reply too. She decided to get herself up and ready, first jumping in the shower.


Connor internal clock didn't wake him up, it was Hank tapping the side of his cheek and shouting the name that woke him. "Connor!" he shouted before Connor finally jolted up, they barely missed slamming into each other's face.

"What?" Connor looked around the room, he was still on the couch, Sumo still laid in the same spot he last saw him and the light was brightly shining through. "What time is it?"

Hank checked the clock, "it's nearly 11 am." Connor sat up straighter, rubbing his eyes. How did his body clock not wake him? He then remembered, he was dreaming... though he didn't think androids could even dream, he dreamed of Brooke. "You alright? I'm surprised you didn't answer me the second I said your name, you looked pretty out of it," Hank said sitting in his usual pull out chair.

"I... I don't know why I didn't wake up either," Connor stuttered. "I need to go home and change my clothes. I'll be back for Sumo later." Connor grabbed his beanie and jacket, throwing them on him before running to the door.

Hank sat back in his seat, chuckling at Connors new personality shining through. "I think he's got hots for someone, Sumo," Hank laughed. Sumo started wagging his tail and spinning around. "No, not you, your all mine," he laughed as he patted Sumos head.


Brooke was the first to arrive at the park, she had seen the park on an online forum about being a nice dog park and a great place to meet people. She sat on the bench under an oak tree, trying to get out of the cold. Nala was happy with the cold, her breed is known to have a great coat dealing with the cold, she watched Nala roll in the iced-up grass, content with herself.

Brooke's thoughts jumped to Connor, she didn't think much about if he was able to be out in this weather for a long period of time. She decided to check quickly before he arrived, she got her phone out and searched her question. Luckily androids could survive temperatures of thirty degrees Fahrenheit, the weather was warmer that day, jumping up a few degrees, but not enough to actually feel it.

Nala shot her head up from the crystal coloured grass and barked at the dog coming towards her. Brooke looked up to see Sumo trotting over to Nala, both dogs started to sniff each other, giving their own versions of greetings. Brooke looked around for Connor, the low fog made it hard to see him, but she suddenly caught a glimpse of his LED, then his waving brown hair.

Brooke waved him over, he was wearing similar clothes as before but this time had a denim jacket and male scarf wrapped around his neck, he smiled when they caught each other's gaze.

"Hello, I hope I didn't keep you waiting long?" Connor said as he stopped in front of her. Brooke stood up, letting Nala off her leash so she could go play with Sumo.

"No, I've only been here a few minutes. I'm glad you came, I thought you might've changed your mind." Connors LED flashes yellow but returns quickly back to blue. He stared at her before Brooke pulled him in the direction towards the frozen pond.

"Why would you think that?" he asked curiously. Brooke shrugged her shoulders, she didn't even know why she did think that.

"I dunno really," she said quietly. "Mostly the weather, it's fucking freezing." Brooke hugged her coat in tighter, she looked around for Nala, making sure she hadn't gone too far, but both dogs were following right behind them. It seemed Nala was bringing Sumo out of his older stage and forced him to play like a pup again.

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