Birthday Celebrations.

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Life had moved on from the red ice issue, Brooke and Connor moved in together, Hank became acquainted with retirement and the new Lieutenant of the DPD was being celebrated by all. Connor was offered the position just a month after Hank left, it was a big step for the android, but an exciting one. Even Gavin was happy for him.

Summer was starting to come to an end with September rolling in, Brooke had been working away from Connor for most of their summertime, due to android violence being rumoured to have been happening in Ohio. She spent two weeks there and helped bring the crime rates down.

It was now the 29th of August, the morning of her twenty-third birthday. Brooke was awoken to an empty bed, she rolled over to check the time, it was a Saturday so that meant there was no work for her or Connor.

Getting out of bed to relieve herself, she then made her way to the kitchen where she found her shirtless android boyfriend cooking her favourite food: pancakes. "Morning babe," she said, getting his attention.

Connor turned halfway, still keeping good control of the pancake batter in his hand. "Morning, my love," he replies with a chipper smile. She sat at the table, bringing the warm cup of coffee to her lips, the taste danced along with her tongue, she sighed heavily.

Connor finished her pancakes and poured on a generous amount of syrup with strawberries as toppings, he placed the food in front of her before catching a kiss as he stood back up. "By the way, happy birthday," he whispered as he nibbled her ear. Brooke giggled like a schoolgirl as she brushed her head into her shoulder.

Connor sat down across from her, watching the smile spread as she took her first bite. He hadn't planned much for her birthday, except for one gift she was going to get later into the day. She had mentioned wanting to see Hank, but nothing else has been mentioned for her birthday. "What did you want to do today?" he asked as she wiped the smeared syrup off her top lip.

"Hmmm," she thought as she cut another piece of pancake into her fork. "I would like to go shopping, I need new clothes," Connor smirked at her, she had taken over his closet already with the amount she had.

"I will need to buy another closet if you do that," he replied. Brooke furrowed her brows at him.

"I don't have THAT many clothes," she lightly chuckled. Connor raised a brow at her and leant his head forward. "Alright, I have lots of clothes," she laughed. "How about I get some together to donate after today?" Brooke did want to go through her clothes, there were many she didn't wear anymore and they just got in the way. Donating them would be a good way for her to give some kindness to this not so kind world.

"Good idea," he replied. Nala had finally awoken and did her new usual routine of annoying Connor until he fed her. He got up from the chair as he petted her head and went to fill her bowl and give her some freshwater.

Brooke watched him as he went through the cupboards and worked his way through the dog food to find Nala's favourite chicken flavour. Brooke could feel the pit of her stomach drop as she thought about herself ageing and Connor staying young forever.

"I'm one year closer to being the same age as you," she randomly blurted. Connor quickly looked up at her as he placed Nalas bowl down, the Husky wasted no time chomping her food down.

"What are you talking about?" he asked, somewhat annoyed at her comment. Brooke looked down at her half-eaten food, quickly losing her appetite.

"Nevermind," she said, pushing the food away and gulping down the rest of her coffee. Connor walked over to her, pulling the cup from her lips and slamming it down on the table.

"We have been over this, Brooke. You are not to talk about this on your birthday. You are only twenty-three, I am twenty-nine." Brooke stood up and turned away from him, she walked several feet away as she hugged herself tightly.

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