You Are My Son.

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Markus had arrived at Connors early the next day, North was not with him, but his friend Simon was. Simon was a PL600 android, one of the oldest known deviants, going back nearly two years when he first arrived at Jericho, he was now Markus' closest friend.

Brooke had worn a turtleneck winter dress to hide her neck, the bruising was gone by that point, but Connor had pointed out that Markus and any other android company would be able to see it, luckily the dress nor turtleneck was questioned or looked at suspiciously.

They all sat around Connors dining room table, news reports and info-pads spread out across the table. Brooke had just returned with a drink when she heard Markus speak up, "we need to get to the UK as soon as possible, the more androids that turn to deviancy, the harder the UK government is having to try to control all-out war with the humans."

"Do the British people not agree with android freedom?" Brooke asked as she sat next to Connor, who was sitting at the head of the table. Markus and Simon sat across from her.

"The parliament does in some aspects, but they rely heavily on the public favour through votes and general elections," Markus explained as he passed a report of the murders and assaults going on between humans and androids. Brooke felt sick to her stomach reading each word. "They have to tread carefully as something of this magnitude could start a civil war."

"And what do you need us to do?" Brooke asked as she motioned her hand between herself and Connor. Markus turned to Simon, them both looking at each other for a moment, she could see the sad expression on Markus' face.

Markus turned back to them both, looking primarily at Connor. "I and North may be in a relationship, but we don't present both humans and androids. You and Brooke do," he explained as he turned to Brooke. "You are one of the first known humans to be in a committed relationship with a different species."

Brooke looked at Connor, he seemed torn between wanting to do it for his people, but also not wanting to put pressure on Brooke doing it. "Surely it will take more than just me being with an android to convince people that androids should live amongst us, free?"

Markus shook his head, "do you remember how I and North stopped those soldiers from shooting us when we were backed into a corner?" Brooke leaned into the table, holding her hands together. She remembers that kiss that ended the brewing civil war, the President had ordered all soldiers to stand down and less than twenty minutes later she changed nearly all her previous words and gave facts that androids were in fact a new form of intelligent life.

"Okay, I get what you mean now. What exactly would we need to do in the UK? How can Connor get there without a passport?" Brooke wondered, there were many obstacles in their way to even leave America. Connor would need to be careful with the British people seeing him as an android and trying to attack him.

Simon leaned into the table, passing Connor a small booklet that was an American passport, he moved closer to Markus to explain. "President Warren has granted you this passport to go to the UK and bring peace between humans and androids. The British Embassy has signed your rights as a citizen, so no one should try to attack you." Simon paused to look at Connors swirling LED. "You may want to remove the LED," he advised.

Brooke huffed, catching everyone's attention, "I don't want him to change his appearance just to help you." She didn't mean for her words to come across as harsh, but Connor's LED was who he was, and she could never see him without it.

Connor looked at her, softening his expression as he placed his hand over hers. "My LED is not part of who I am, my love. If I need to do this to help my people, then so be it," he said in a soothing voice. Brooke didn't look convinced, but she nodded with respect to his decision.

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