The First British Deviants.

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"Connor?" her voice snapped him back to reality, he had zoned out again, something that happened more and more for some unknown reason. Connor looked at Brooke, she sat in the car next to him, his forehead had a sheen of sweat on it and the grip he had on her hand was near bone-crushing.

"Sorry," he quietly said, removing his hand. They were currently en route to the press conference, the same cars and people were accompanying them. Lara sat in the front seat, as usual, she had turned to look at Connor in worry, but he was too busy looking out of the window at the bustling streets to care.

"What's the matter?" she asked in a whisper. Connor looked at her, he tried to smile, but his sadness could be seen through his eyes.

"I am worried this won't work," he explained with a sigh. Brooke grabbed his hand again, lacing their fingers together.

"It'll work, I know it will. It's just as you did back at the Cyberlife plant." Connor had told her about him converting over six thousand androids with just one touch, Hank witnessed the whole thing. He then had the task to bring all those androids to Markus, not one civilian nor soldier tried to stop him, the numbers were too great to take on.

"We are here," Lara announced. The car came to a stop next to a red carpet, it all seemed too extravagant for a simple press conference, a hoard of people and cameras were at the ready to take pictures of the ex-deviant hunter and his girlfriend. "Stay close to me, we are not stopping once we are out of the car," Lara said with a stern tone.

Their car doors all opened in union as all three of them got out and huddled together, the cameras started to flash barely a second after their feet touched the pavement. Lara's guards were at the ready and huddled around them all as protection.

Questions about deviants, Connor and his relationship were shouting at them for answers, but they kept walking. Connor did catch the voices of threats, one bystander tried to throw a plastic bottle at him, but security dealt with it before it escalated.

"Piece of plastic!"

"Burn them all!"

"Nothing more than slaves!"

Each word shouted broke Brooke's heart little by little, she held herself as close as possible to Connor, they picked the pace up, walking down the red carpet and past the fenced-off area of people. As they walked inside the conference building, it was bustling with people running around and preparing everything.

Lara led them past everyone, most stopped to glance at Connor, some smiled, some looked terrified. He did his best to keep his head held high and not let the glances and glares deter him. Clarke was standing at the top of the stairs that Lara had led them up, he was speaking to a couple of ministers, who Connor nor Brooke had met before.

"Ah, Connor, Brooke. It is good to see you both again," he said, welcoming with a handshake. He moved them away from the stairs and led them to the first room on their right, just below the next set of stairs that had signs to the conference hall. The building itself was big enough to hold hundreds of people and their equipment, it wasn't furnished too much but still held enough space and seating areas for the odd meetings and small gatherings.

Clarke's assistant opened the door for them all to walk in, the room was very small, with only a few chairs, a bookshelf, two old, moulded windows and some crappy wallpaper. But stood in front of that crappy wallpaper were the three androids chosen to be converted, they all stood rigid and stared into space.

"These are the androids?" Brooke asked for reassurance. She forgot just what rigid and submissive androids really looked like, they didn't look in any of their directions, not even Connors.

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