Date Night.

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*So I know when Connor and Brooke tried to do something nice together, something always gets in their way. But not this time, this will be their first official date, and there won't be any interruptions. I hope you all enjoy it.*

The feeling of guilt, sadness and just about every other depressing emotion was running through Brooke's head as Connor drove them back to his apartment. She tried to speak on multiple occasions, but there was no reply from him, he just drove the car with a stern look.

Hank had left to get Nala, Connor had asked him to look after the Husky for the evening so he could be alone with Brooke. Hank was upset to see Connor so angry, he would speak to him later, this was the time he knew Connor and Brooke needed to sort their problems.

Connor pulled up to his apartment, opening his door to out, not waiting on Brooke to keep up. She did keep close behind him, they entered his apartment complex and rode the lift up. The silence was painful for her, she wanted to hold him, but he just stood as far as possible from her, staring blankly at the wall.

"Welcome home, Connor and Miss Quinn," the intercom called out as the lift doors opened. Connor walked through first, kicking his shoes off and throwing his jacket to the floor as he went straight to his bedroom, slamming the door behind him. Brooke stood still at the front door, biting her lip tightly as she tried to hold back her tears.

Connor leaned against the door after he slammed it shut, letting his head fall against the cold wood. He felt betrayed by everyone, he wasn't sure how to process what Kamski had told him and he felt Brooke would be happier with him in the RK900 body, there were a thousand questions going through his head.

Connor moved from the door and slumped himself on the end of his bed, the feeling of being replaced was something that never worried him. He knew before becoming deviant that if he was killed, his body would be replaced in just a few hours. The only disadvantage was parts of his memory would be lost in the transfer. When he died to save the little girl all those months ago, he also saved a police officer that had been shot. He met the officer again a few months later, but the memory of saving him wasn't something that came through the transfer. The officer was still thankful to Connor, even if it wasn't his personal body that had done it.

Brooke had gone to the kitchen, she grabbed herself a cup of water and made her way to the couch. She wanted to go talk to Connor, make him understand, but she knew she was in the wrong, she went behind his back and went to see the one man that he didn't trust to be alone with her.


It had been nearly twenty minutes when Brooke heard the bedroom door open, she turned around to see Connor walkout, he walked out to the main hall and looked around the room until he saw her staring back at him.

"I thought you might have left," he said as he slowly approached the back of her seat. Brooke twisted her body into the couch, looking up at him.

"I would never leave you after what I've done to you, Connor. I am so sorry," she whimpered. Connor gave her a small smile, moving around the couch to sit down next to her. He laced their fingers together.

"You don't need to be sorry, Brooke. You went to see Kamski for your own reasons, I have to respect that." Brooke sighed heavily under her breath, moving her hand away from Connor's. He looked at her with worry, he knew it wasn't fully true in his reasoning for not needing her to apologise, but he didn't like seeing her blame herself.

"Don't try to explain my stupid actions. You didn't trust the man and I knew that, but I still went to him. I went behind your back and I shouldn't have done that," Brooke replied with a level voice, Connor smiled at her slightly.

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