Planes And A Fear Of Heights.

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Connor and Brooke had spent the rest of Saturday and Sunday together, enjoying their time together and getting ready for London. Connor had told her about what Hank had said to him, calling him his son, he broke down telling her. She was happy for him, he deserved as much normality as any human, and having a father figure was one of those normalities for most. 

Monday had quickly rolled around, they both took the day off work to get their last-minute things ready to go, Brooke needed to get to her house and turn off her main electrics to save her electric bill since Nala would be staying with Hank and Connor needed to sort out his LED that he still hadn't taken out. He tried on multiple occasions, but he backed out each time, something telling him not to do it.

Brooke found him in the bathroom, staring shirtless into the mirror, his LED flashing red. "Babe, what's wrong?" she asked as she rushed to his side, placing her hands on his arm to pull him to face her.

"This LED," Connor said in agitation, he dropped the pair of scissors he had been holding for the last ten minutes into the sink, the metal clanking against the sink. "I can't destroy it," he quietly said with a drop in his head.

Brooke looked at him through the mirror, his eyes were shut tight and the deep crease in his forehead told her just how upset he was. "Does it really need to go? Can't you just wear your beanie as you did before?" she asked as she stroked her hand down his arm.

Connor shook his head slowly, leaning heavily into the sink. "No, it would not look presentable with upcoming meetings in London." Connor opened his eyes quickly, he turned around to look at Brooke with a small smile, she narrowed her eyes at him.

"What?" she asked as she backed away, Connor grabbed the scissors from beside him and passed them to her.

"Can you do it, please?" Brooke looked at the scissors then back at Connor, her eyes wide in shock at his request. Connor wrapped his hands around hers, squeezing the scissors between them. "Please, Brooke. I can't do this myself, I trust you."

"I don't want to hurt you," she replied. Connor turned away from her, sitting on the edge of the bathtub as he opened his legs for her to stand between him.

"You won't hurt me, I cannot feel pain," he replied. Brooke sighed heavily, but nodded at his request, she moved between his legs and used her palm to push his head to the side for a better view.

She watched his swirling red LED, she feared it would hurt him, or stress him out. "Are you sure this won't hurt?" she asked, still staring at the LED. Connor smiled at her, he rested his hands on her waist.

"I wouldn't lie to you, I cannot feel any pain, only a slight discomfort." Brooke gulped heavily, she used her left hand to keep a hold of his jawline as she used her right hand to hold the scissors closed together, using them as flat, but sharp surfaces to prize the LED off.

"Just... don't move," she said with a stern voice. Connor chuckled slightly but kept a good hold of her waist, showing her he would not move. Brooke lined the edge of the scissors up with his LED, she pushed it under the glowing light and started to push up, the skin around it quickly turned off to his white shell.

Brooke made a low moaning noise, nearly backing out. "Keep going, it is nearly off," Connor reassured her. She pushed harder, the LEDs light turned off, then it fell from Connor's temple, clanking on the floor between them. Brooke pulled the scissors away, staring at the white shell.

"Your white shell is showing," she said. Connor took his left hand from her waist and lightly pushed over the side of his temple, his pale scan recovered the white shell.

"See, no pain," he assured her. Brooke leaned over to place the scissors on the side of the sink, she turned back to Connor, giving him a full inspection with his LED now gone, it truly looked human now.

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