The Old Man's Sex Jokes.

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Three weeks... Three damn weeks Connor constantly said to himself that Brooke had been avoiding him, it was driving him crazy. The reports of red ice had dropped to practically nothing. Markus had no problems since the death of Maria and the DPD was trying to find any leads they could, but they weren't having much luck.

Connor was struggling mentally with being away from Brooke, he wanted to be around her, but she would leave the office when he was due in and would assign herself to different cases away from him. Hank assured him that she would come around, but he finally crashed, he'd not gone into a dormant stage in nearly three days and the constant worry was getting to him.

That day he didn't show up to work, Hank didn't even question it, he knew for days before just how much Connor was struggling. He stayed home, trying to wrap his head around everything, but he didn't know who to turn to for help, he needed Brooke but she practically dismissed him.

Hank was one of the early birds at work that day, he wanted to find Brooke, he was pissed off with how she'd been treating Connor. He sat at her desk, waiting patiently for her to show up for her shift.

Hank's patience was rewarded when Brooke walked into the office forty-five minutes later. She stopped when she saw him sitting at her desk, gulping heavily she walked over to him. "What can I do for you, Hank?" she said as she placed her bag down.

Hank glared at her, his arms crossed tightly across his chest. "Really all you can say right now? Do you know what you fucking put Connor through?" He stood up from her chair, Hank was taller than both her and Connor so he towered over her.

"I don't know what you're talking about..." she said with some attitude behind her tone, when she did, in fact, know too well what he meant. She felt bad for the way she had treated Connor, but in her eyes, it was for the best.

"Don't fucking play dumb, Brooke. I expected more from you, your father would be disappointed in the way you were acting right now," Hank shouted at her, the office only had a few people in, but it was loud enough for them to hear and turn around to witness them.

"Don't bring my dad into this, I'm an adult. I will act how I like." Brooke was surprised by just how early Hank had arrived, she turned away from him and looked around the office. Connor would have been there as well if Hank was. "Where is he?"

"Oh, funny you should ask," Hank said pushing past her to go to his desk. Brooke followed, pulling his arm to face her again.

"Where is he?!" she snarled under her breath. Hank waved his hand in her face, laughing slightly under his breath.

"Well you wouldn't believe it, but the one person in this office who can't get sick, called in sick today." Brooke narrowed her eyes, Connor would never miss work, he loved his job. Had she affected him that much? "Brooke," Hank said quietly, placing his hands on her shoulders. "The kid is so lost in his own thoughts right now, he's been getting worse each day. He fucking loves you," he said in hushed tones.

Brooke peeled away from his grasp, stepping back in shock. Can Connor even love? She shook her head, tears welled up in her eyes, she needed to fix this, she had broken his 'heart'. Brooke turned around and picked her bag up, running for the exit. Hank hoped she was going to go and do the right thing.


Brooke pulled up outside Connors apartment building, the tears had been falling down her cheeks the whole journey. She got out of the car, trying to wipe away what tears she could, the cold bit her swollen cheeks, turning them red.

She walked up to the door but realised she doesn't actually know what apartment was Connors, the buzzers all had numbers not names on them. Brooke pulled her phone out, hoping he would answer, but she was sent to his voicemail.

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