The Job As Detective.

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*I thought I would take the time to dedicate a chapter to give you an insight on what Brooke's job actually is. I hope you enjoy it!*

The days passed since seeing Kamski,  nothing new could be found to help further the investigation. Markus continued to find more needles, but none had been used, it seemed whoever was behind it was either tricking them or giving in using the needles and leaving all evidence behind.

Kamski was struggling to find the suspect who worked for him, it seemed some of his workers left Detroit the first chance they got, so the DPD and the contacts Kamski has, have been trying to track him down.

Brooke and Connor continued to keep their relationship on the down-low around work, they didn't want the officers treating them differently. But the odd times they would sneak off to the back rooms for some 'alone' time, nothing went past a make-out session. Connor was too prim and proper to have sex at work, Brooke, on the other hand, left the room sexual frustrated with him, but respected his decision and didn't push it.

That workweek was coming to an end and Connor was to spend the weekend with Brooke at her house, but first, they both had separate cases to take care of that day. He and Hank left the precinct early that day to respond to some reports of androids and humans fighting in the street.

Brooke was called to the house of an android that had been assaulted by her old human owner. She arrived late into the afternoon, knocking at the door, it took a while for someone to answer. But a small, slim woman opened the door, her LED still showed in her temple.

"Hello, I'm Detective Quinn. I had a report of an assault." Brooke watched the androids LED flare red then back to yellow, she was shaking as she held herself up against the door. "Are you Rebecca?" she asked with a smile.

The android nodded slightly, opening the door wider. Brooke looked past her and into her home: it was trashed, the furniture was flipped over, her tv smashed and one of her windows had a rock thrown through it.

"You can come in," Rebecca shakily said as she moved from the door to let Brooke in. She stepped through the threshold, stopping at the side to let Rebecca shut the door behind her. Brooke took her jacket and shoes off, wanting to be respectful of her home. Rebecca watched her, a small smile on the corner on her lip as she turned around to sit at her torn-up couch.

"May I sit, Rebecca?" Brooke asked, walking closer to her. Rebecca paused for a moment but slowly nodded. Brooke sat down on the one-seater chair across from her. "Could you explain to me what happened, Rebecca?" she asked in a slow and understanding voice.

Rebecca's LED flashes red, tears come to her eyes almost instantly. It seemed she was really fearing for her life. "I... I," she fought to get her words out. Brooke waved her hand to slow her down, she was breathing heavily, trying to slow her processors down as they were struggling with the increased level of stress.

"Take your time, if you can't do it today. I can get help in getting you relocated and we will try another day, whatever you want to do," Brooke said in a soft voice. Rebecca seemed to calm slightly.

"You are really kind for a human," she replied with a small sniffle. Brooke smiled at her, she had her info pad laying on her knee, ready to take note, but she decided to wait and moved it to sit on the arm of her chair.

"I am kind to anyone, human, android, even dogs," she chuckled. Rebecca sat back into her seat, another small smile shined through. "Too me, if someone respects me, I'll respect them back," she explained.

"I am glad there are some who treat us as human," Rebecca replied, she looked down at the floor, her eyes wide and not blinking. "I can't say the same for him," she spat out. Brooke slowly grabbed her info pad again, it seemed Rebecca was ready to tell her everything.

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