"Please Don't Die, Hank."

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The feeling of loss was something Connor was not entirely used to. The fear of losing Hank had happened before, back when his other Connor model held a gun to his head. But the task at hand was easily fixable, Connor knew the other RK800 wouldn't harm Hank unless he really had to.

This time around, watching Hank being hauled away in an ambulance brought on a fear that Connor couldn't describe. Brooke had pushed him towards the ambulance, letting him go with Hank whilst she took the car to the hospital. Markus had insisted on going with her, whilst North took some of the androids into the woods to try and find whoever did this.

Markus and Brooke headed to the hospital, Brooke drove with anger and fear as she forced her way past most cars and overtook them. Markus held on for dear life as she ran a stop sign and barely stopped in time for a pedestrian crossing.

"Brooke, could you slow down?" Markus asked in annoyance as he looked at her. She stared only on the road, revving the engine and held tightly to the steering wheel.

"This shouldn't have happened, Markus. I've never seen Connor so distraught." Markus looked back out of the window, he sighed slightly before speaking.

"I have, once before," he quietly said. Brooke quickly whipped her head to the side to look at him.

"What? When?" she asked in a hurry. The light turned green, she took off slower this time.

"When he was fighting to become deviant. He looked so fearful of what would happen if he chooses to finally be free. He also seemed scared that he couldn't become deviant and be forced to stay a machine." Markus didn't know Connor would have been so hard to convert, he was scared his plans would end with the bullet waiting to be fired in Connor's pistol.

"That would be because of Amanda if he stayed as a machine and she found out about his possible chance of converting. She would have hurt him in more ways than one." Brooke wished she could see Amanda in the flesh, she had a few things she wished to say to the AI that nearly ruined Connor and his mental health.

Markus fell silent as he brought his index finger to his forehead, the side where his LED would be. "North?" he said out loud, the car ride fell silent as Markus listened to North. "Understood, keep him there and we will be back soon."

"Keep who there?" Brooke asked as she tried to look at him but not take her eyes off the road. Markus sighed again, feeling the situation becoming harder to handle for them all.

"They've found the man who did this," he said fast and quietly. Brooke fully turned to look at him, they were close to the hospital.

"Oh, this fucker is going to pay," she said in anger as she spun the car around the corner entrance and slammed the tyres into the side of the curb. Few people who stood outside backed away in surprise.

"Brooke, what are you going to do? Connor needs you," Markus said as he placed his hand on her shoulder. Brooke pushed his hand away.

"Get out of the car, when you find Connor, tell him I will be back soon." Markus was about to argue with her, but the stare from Brooke forced him to back down. He knew she wasn't going to be convinced out of this. He nodded slowly and got out of the car, the second the door closed, Brooke put her foot down and left with screeching tyres.


Connor sat by Hank's side, his processors were in overdrive as they tried to keep him calm. He ran constant tests on Hank and his condition. He had already hacked into the hospital's files to get the doctors notes on Hank's health.

"Connor?" Markus quietly said as he knocked on the door. Connor turned in his seat, his tired eyes met Markus.

Markus stood stuck on whether to move or not, Connor sat as close as possible to Hank, his hand holding tightly to Hank's flimsy grasp. "Can I come in?" he asked, breaking Connor's lost stare.

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