Farmer Anderson.

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Brooke rolled over in the bed, groaning at her aching body. Connor really couldn't control himself last night. She felt his side of the bed was cold and empty, he had been up for a while. She looked at her bedside table to see a small piece of paper.

Gone to help around the farm and meet the animals.

Find me when you're awake.

-Your love.

Brooke smiled at the note, she was happy he was getting out of the house and keeping productive. She looked at her phone, seeing it was nearly 10 am, she'd slept in longer than usual. She rolled out of bed and went straight for a steaming hot shower to help her aching joints.

The night before was magical but nearly broke her. She wasn't sure she could do this all the time for Connor, but the thought of not satisfying him really hit her hard.


Connor had been awake since 6, the noises outside from the chickens woke him up. He couldn't help himself but go and look around. During his stroll, he bumped into a young lad who was mucking out the horse stables. He introduced himself as Jackson, soon enough Connor found himself joining the eighteen-year-old.

By 9 am, they had finished all the stables, milked the cows and fed all the animals. Usually, they'd not be done until 11 am. Connor was currently brushing the goats and hand feeding them treats at the same time when he looked up at a barn that seemed to be shut and barely stable enough to call a barn.

"Jackson," he shouted, getting the lads' attention. The young ginger-haired kid looked up from behind a goat, staring at Connor. It seemed the lad was somewhat scared of Connor, the android was a tank compared to the skinny, sweet kid, but Connor tried his best to treat the kid with respect and humoured him at times.

"What is that barn?" Connor asked as he pointed at it. Jackson looked before walking over to him to explain.

"The barn came with the property when Mr Quinn bought this land. He never used it, he said it was not worth the trouble and we never gave it a second thought. We can't even get inside." Connor raised a brow at him, the barn was definitely old. Early 21st century old, it creaked against the wind and all the windows were either smashed or completely pulled out.

"Why can't you get inside?" Connor asked as he stood up, Jackson backed away when the tall android towered over him.

"Apparently we cannot pull the doors open, you'd need a tractor which would probably pull the whole thing down." Connor hummed at his response and was now intrigued. He said his goodbyes to the young lad and left the corral, locking the gate behind him and went to see the barn.

Brooke had come outside, saying hello to some of the workers she knew. They were always friendly and asked her many questions about Detroit and her work. Brooke found the goat carrol Connor was just in, she leant against the gate and saw Jackson cleaning up.

"Excuse me, have you seen Connor?" Jackson looked up at her, he seemed surprised to see her. She'd never seen this kid before, he was shorter than her, pale and skittish.

"I'm John's daughter, Brooke. Nice to meet you," she called, trying to get some sort of conversation from the kid.

"Oh, hello Miss Quinn. Connor is over by the old barn." Brooke looked past the kid and saw Connor standing in front of the barn, studying it as he scratched his chin.

"Thanks, but call me Brooke," she said with a wave as she jogged over to the barn. Jackson half waved back as he watched her leave. "Babe?" she called as she got closer. Connor turned to her voice, smiling when she came to a stop next to him.

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