Red Ice Case.

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A/N: I'm sorry for the late chapter, guys. Work-life has been so hectic and finding the time has been difficult. I hope you enjoy the chapter, I needed tissues for this one!

Two days had passed since Hank woke up, he was on the road to recovery, but the red ice had caused extensive damage to his heart. Everyone knew that meant his career as Detroit's Police Lieutenant had not come to an end, he was being forced into retirement.

Connor was yet to tell Hank the news when Fowler finally made the decision for his badge to be handed back in. The whole police department was furious with what had happened and Levi was not treated well when he encountered the officers.

Brooke was assigned the case of finding out how Levi first got the red ice supply and finding others that are involved. Gavin was assigned with her, which she was less than pleased with. He had only returned to work from being suspended with his last altercation with Connor and her.

Brooke sat at her desk, looking through the evidence and statement from Levi, she had very little to go off. The chair across from her desk was pulled across the marble floor, she looked up to see who was trying to bother her.

"Hey," Gavin said as he sat down, ever since news passed about Hank. Gavin's attitude changed and he was much less annoying, but Brooke still didn't like him and knew her patience was going to be tested with this case.

"What do you want?" she asked as she threw the sheets of paper across her terminal. He looked at the paperwork and sighed before replying.

"I want to help you, Hank didn't deserve what happened to him and now his job is gone for good." Brooke didn't care if he was trying to give sympathy, she barely could stand staring at him as it was.

"Well, I am trying to get this solved but you coming over here and interrupting me isn't helping, so do us both a favour and fuck off," she said aggressively as she got more paperwork and started to read, hoping he would leave her alone.

Gavin stared at her for a few moments, before slowly standing up. "Look, I know you hate me, you have every right to. But I want to help you if you find anything... just let me know," he said as he walked away. Brooke waited until he was further away and finally dropped the papers, she sighed heavily as she drank her coffee.

She didn't want or need his help, he would get in the way and just piss her off. Brooke sat back in her chair and looked at the ceiling, she tried to think of some sort of lead that might give them an answer, but her thoughts all came back to nothing. Brooke decided to start from the beginning, hoping to find some sort of lead from the first pieces of evidence all those months ago.


Connor sat by Hank's side, the older man was in a deep sleep. His snoring filled the room along with his heart monitor, Conor kept a close eye on it. The moment it might change he would get help instantly. Telling Hank about his forced retirement ate at him, he was worried about how to tell him. Hank's job was all he had after his son died and his wife left him, his work kept him sane and helping put away drug abusers was one of the biggest joys for his career.

The doctors had come and gone, running tests then sighing with no better news to Hank's struggling heart. He would live, but a life of meds was down the line for him. Connor sat back in his seat, feeling the odd strain in his back, it seemed stress affected his body just like a human.

"Connor?" Hank called in a low tone, he slowly turned himself over to look at him. Connor quickly stood up, ready to ring for help. "No, no," Hank said, waving his hand at him. "I'm fine." Connor sighed but sat back down.

"How do you feel?" Hank sighed heavily before replying, he was constantly tired and could sleep for the next thirty years if he had the choice.

"Tired," he yawned. Connor looked at the floor, he rubbed the back of his neck. Hank caught on, "what's wrong?" he asked with concern. Connor looked at him, a sad smile came to his lips.

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