A New Member Of The Family.

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Connor and Brooke took Annabelle to the station early that day, they wanted to get answers as soon as possible. Hank had met them down there, doing his own investigation into the young android, but his search turned up nothing.

Connor was able to find out she was the YK500 model, specially made to resemble a child and do much more normal human things that Connor's body could not. She could sleep without it being a dormant state, eat food if she wished to and could cry, show fear and anger without having to be a deviant. They had much more freedom of programs than adult androids.

"Could you find anything about her family?" Brooke asked as she leaned over Connors desk. Annabelle had been taken for ice cream with Hank, it seemed the older man enjoyed the child's company. She kept calling him Hank-Hank, her pet name for him.

"No, her memories had been wiped up after the revolution. I would presume her parents abandoned her and fled Detroit." Connor wasn't sure what the answer would be.

"Let's contact Kamski, maybe he has a way of knowing?" Connor nodded as he looked down at the terminal. The only other android child he had met was Alice, a child android on the run with her android career, Kara. Connor nearly killed them all on a highway chase, but he let them both go, seeing the danger for both. He did get the chance to say sorry to Kara and Alice for his actions and hoped them all the best in Canada since they were trying to get there.

"Okay, I will call him now." Connor closed his eyes as he connected with Chloe. "Hello, Chloe. This is RK900 Connor, is Kamski available? It is of some urgency." Chloe didn't reply straight away, most likely asking Kamski if he would like to speak with him.

"Hello, Connor. It is good to hear from you. Elijah would like you and Brooke to meet him at his house in the next two hours." Connor put his thumbs up to Brooke to tell her Kamski would see them.

"Thank you, Chloe. Goodbye," he says with a smile and ends the call. "We need to call Hank and pick them both up." They both hurried out of the station, calling Hank on the way to get to the location of the ice cream parlour. It seemed Annabelle had passed out from a sugar rush of ice cream. Brooke could not believe how human-like she was.


A couple of hours later they arrived at Kamski's house. The river outside had frozen over again, reminding Connor of the previous time he had come during that season and was near pushed to shoot Chloe in the head. He shook his head at the memories.

"You okay?" Brooke whispers to him, putting her hand on his knee.

He looks down, smiling and stroking his hand over hers. "Yes, just some memories about this place." Brooke nodded, she knew all about that incident, an action she did not like Kamski for.

"This place is scary," Annabelle mumbled from her seat, she held her hands close to her lips. Brooke had gotten her some actual clothes, now she looked like a normal child and not a homeless one.

They all got out of the car, Brooke carried Annabelle, stroking her long hair behind her ears. "It will be fine, darling. This man will help us and maybe we can find your family." Annabelle nodded silently, hugging Brooke's neck tightly.

Hank and Connor walked ahead, knocking on the door. Chloe answered just a few moments later. "Welcome, please come in," she says with a welcoming smile and a gesture of her hand.

"It is good to see you again, Chloe," Connor comments as they all enter the familiar entry hall. Brooke and Annabelle came in last, Chloe paused as she analyzed the small girl.

"Well, who is this?" she asks with another smile, leaning in closer with her bright blue eyes startling the girl. Annabelle squeals and hides her face in Brooke's neck. Connor chuckled at the little one's shyness.

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