A New Year.

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Time had passed for everyone and 2040 was just a day away. Connor, Brooke and Hank decided to go to a New Years eve party to celebrate the new year, life was perfect for them all. Brooke and Connor worked together bringing the crime rate down for the first time in years in Detroit.

Hank turned fifty-five just three months ago. He wasn't happy with another year added to his growing age, but Brooke and Connor were able to lift his spirits. Sumo and Nala were better than ever, still best friends and spent a lot of time together going for walks and seeing each other when everyone visited.

"I don't know what to wear tonight," Brooke called from the bedroom. Connor was in the bathroom, figuring out what to do with his hair. He wanted to change the style and maybe colour, but the options his processes had were hard to choose from.

"Wear something warm, it's going to be quite cold tonight," he replied. The third colour he looked at was bleach blonde, he instantly hated it. The colour made his skin look even paler than it really was.

Brooke decided to wear her favourite leather jacket, high waist blue jeans and some wedged heel boots. Her hair had grown even longer during the year, so she decided to straighten it and let it flow down her back. "Okay," she said looking into the mirror. "I'm ready."

With no reply, she headed to the bathroom to see Connor staring harshly at himself into the mirror. "What's wrong?" she asked, coming to a stop by his side. Even with her heels on, he was still over a head height taller than her.

"I wanted to see what I would look like with a different hair colour, but I don't like any." Brooke placed a hand on his shoulder, turning him partly to look at her.

"Don't change it then, your current colour is fine just as it is. Change the style a bit, but you don't need to change everything else." With a determined smile, he looked back into the mirror. Decided to cut some of the longest hair from the top and then slick it back with some gel. Brooke watched with awe, seeing his whole complexion change with just some scissors and hair gel.

"That okay?" he asks as he looks at her through the mirror. Brooke nodded, smiling brightly at him. With that done, he finished getting ready and they both headed to fetch Hank from his own house before heading to the party.


"Well you look different," Hank commented as he climbed into the car. The man was showing his age with his hair becoming thinner and greyer, but he was happier with it.

"I will take that as a compliment," Connor replied. Setting the destination to the party, it was being held at a festival park, fireworks, music, rides and food stands would be present.

The car drive was silent, Brooke was happy enough to look out at the night sky from the back window. She couldn't wait for more years with Connor, but the dark thought of her ageing was still scaring her. She and Connor had spoken about it more and more as of late, it seemed Connor wanted to get married soon but that was something he hadn't shared with her just yet.

Before her thoughts when too deep the car had pulled into a space, it was packed. This party would be full, but also nice to see so many people coming together, both human and androids. "Ready?" Connor asked as he turned to look at her concentrated gaze.

"Yup," she smiled. They all got out of the car and headed for the paying booth, the proceeds from the evening would be going to charity to help android children who had no families. It seemed the revolution had the downside with kids, many were just thrown to the side by their human families as they escaped the city. Most were able to get adopted soon after, but few weren't so lucky and Markus had started a few social care centres to help them.

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