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The late evening and early hours of the morning was a big blur to Brooke, she had been aggressively woken up by Connor. He was frantic, talking too fast for her waking up brain to comprehend, but when he mentioned Charlotte being harmed she was then wide awake.

Lara was called and arrived before Connor and Brooke, police were surrounding the whole apartment complex, speaking to the other residents and one of the two guards that were meant to be guarding Charlotte's apartment.

The private car that brought Brooke and Connor came to an unsteady stop when the horrified driver was being yelled at by Brooke to hurry up, she was growing impatient and wanted to know what had happened. Connor tried to calm her, but she ignored him. The moment the car hit the side of the curb, she was out and running towards the block of apartments. Police tried to stop her, but she threw her badge at them and barged past.

"Lara?!" she shouted as she ran up the stairs. The block of apartments was not very big, just a couple of flats on each floor, Charlottes was the fourth flight up. Connor had jogged up them to catch up with her. Lara was standing by the front door to the apartment, the door itself had been ripped apart, a foot mark left a hole through it and the lock was broken off.

"Brooke, you're here," Lara said as she saw her approach. Brooke looked physically sick as if she was holding back tears, her long hair shoved in a messy ponytail and little care towards her sense of wardrobe with jeans and a big woolly jumper. "Ahh, Connor. Good, you're both here," she said as she passed Connor the info pad with what they already knew.

"Where is she?" Brooke quickly asked, Lara dropped her gaze to the ground, sighing heavily as she turned around to open the door to Charlotte's apartment. The apartment had been trashed, her bed was flipped over, the desk kicked in and her TV was smashed and hung to the wall by just its wires.

In the middle of the room lay a body bag, a young woman's body inside it. Brooke's shaking legs brought her to the side of the body, she dropped her knees. "Why?" she asked with a shaky voice. Lara didn't know how to answer, she didn't work investigations nor had any type of training in how to deal with them. She was called due to being their emergency contact. Connor stood behind Brooke, he watched her tremble in anger as she started to unzip the body bag.

"That might not be the best idea, Brooke," he supportively said with his hand dropped to her shoulder. Brooke turned her head to half look at him before shaking his hand away.

"I need to see what they did to her!" she snarled. Connor backed off, letting Brooke continue the unzipping. She dropped onto the back of her bent legs with shortness of breath when she pulled back the bag. Charlotte lay dead inside, blue blood covering her whole body, her arms were both broken and her face had been deeply punched in with her nose broken and wires hanging from her eyeballs. Her clothes had been mostly stripped and the bra she had worn had clearly been ripped off, but then threw back on her.

"What piece of shit did this?" Brooke shouted at Lara, the woman jumped at her voice. Connor pulled Brooke to her feet, she nearly dropped again when she got up, but his arm caught her waist.

"We think it's the other guard, not long after she was found, he was nowhere to be seen." Connor did a search on the two guards that were meant to protect Charlotte, the one that was interviewed had stated in the reports that he was on his break and when he came back, he thought it was a bit too quiet and decided to poke his head through the door to find her body shoved under the desk.

The second guard had left the minute the other returned from his break, and hadn't been seen since. Connor moved Brooke to the side so he could examine Charlotte's body, her body was covered in fingerprints and DNA strands from saliva and hair, it didn't take long for Connor to match it all together. "It was the other security guard that has disappeared, his DNA is covered in her body," he informed them all. Lara shot her head around at the police officer that was standing by the door.

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