Her Android Boyfriend.

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You're... an... android?" John asked as he backed away from them both. Brooke instinctively stood herself in front of Connor, protecting him if her father did not approve.

"Dad, we can explain. I wanted to tell you, but I didn't know how." John didn't take his eyes off Connor who stood behind her, holding his nose to stop the blue blood. Two workers had heard and quickly left the house, not wanting to witness the brewing argument.

"You are in a relationship with a... machine," he quietly said to them. Connor placed his hand on Brooke's shoulder, silently asking her to move to the side. John backed away, even more, when he moved in front of her.

"Sir, please. I might be a machine, but I love Brooke with all my being. I've been a deviant for a long time, and without your daughter's help, I would not have come as far as I already have." John wasn't sure what to do, his clenched fists were showing his anger, but the pure shock on his face was a different story.

"Get yourself cleaned up, I want to speak to you both in one hour, you'll have a lot of explaining to do. Both of you!" he shouted as he walked out of the hall, slamming the door behind him. Brooke pushed Connor towards the kitchen, finding the first aid kit under the sink.

"You okay?" she whispered as he sat on the chair, she stood between his legs, holding his chin as she wiped the sterile wipes over his nose. The bridge of his nose had dropped and a wire hung out, he needed to get it fixed.

"No," he replied, not looking at her. He had blown what little relationship he was forming with John and may have destroyed Brooke's relationship with him. Brooke frowned at him, she didn't like seeing him so upset.

"Don't let this get you down, Connor. He had to find out sooner or later. I can't fix this here, did you bring any parts with you?" Connor nodded depressingly. She sighed as she went to their room to find his bag, seeing parts in there for him. She brought the bag out, letting him take over and fix his nose.

"I don't think he will accept me, Brooke," he said as he turned away from her, not wanting her to see as he dropped his artificial skin and the metal plating showed as he pulled the metal broken bridge off and replaced it with another. Brooke tried to look, but he waved his free arm for her to stop, he didn't want her to watch. Blue blood dropped on the floor as he pulled the circulation tube out and pushed another inside to reconnect. The HUD warning finally dropped.

"He will accept you, I will not give him much of a choice in the matter," she finally spoke as she moved him to the side to wipe up the blood. "I love you, and my fathers opinion on our relationship is the last thing I care about. if I didn't want to be with you, I would have never gone to your apartment that day."

"What and nearly fuck on my table," he joked. Brooke gasped at his vulgar language, he rarely swore in such a manner.

"Connor!" she laughed as she swatted him with the back of her hand. The laugh quickly disappeared when Connor's smile dropped and he looked down at the floor, sighing to himself. "Come here," she said, holding her arm out to him.

Connor moved over to her, letting his arms snake around her waist and head drop to her shoulder. She held him tightly, stroking up and down his back. "It will be okay," she whispered.


Brooke and Connor both sat on the sofa in the living room, John pacing in front of them like a father preparing to scold his kids. "Okay," he spoke up, scratching his chin. "When did this thing start?" he asked, waving his hand between them both.

Brooke looked at Connor, she decided to speak for them both. "Around eight months ago. Not long after I moved to Detroit." John nodded.

"And when did you think of telling me?" he asked, sitting down in his usual one-seater chair, reminding Connor of Hank.

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