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Brooke arrived at work early Monday morning, the office was stagnant with only a few early rises getting on with their work. She got straight to work reading the reports from the altercation the day before, she wanted to make sure there was enough evidence to press charges on both of them, but she also wanted to get help for the deviant, counselling sessions were coming into a place where both humans and androids go to make peace with each other, but it might be difficult with the charges the android was facing.

"Well, look who it is," Gavin shouted from the entrance hall. Brooke flipped him off which seemed to deter him for the moment as he walked over in the opposite direction with a big huff.

Brooke worked through most of the morning, she looked at her clock and it was time for a quick break. She made her way to the coffee machine, adding as many sugars as she could to try and wake herself up.

"Got enough sugar in that?" a voice called out from behind her, she jumped but turned around to see Connor standing in front of her with a shit-eating grin. She felt it was odd seeing him in his uniform again, she preferred his casual coat, jeans and boots.

"Haha, very funny, Just tired and I need the sugar to keep myself awake." She put her cup under the coffee machine and waited for her cup to fill. "How was your sleep yesterday?"

Connor looked at her, he seemed much happier and refreshed. "It was.. helpful, thank you. Though I wished you would have woke me when you left, I could have taken you home."

Brooke waved him off, "don't worry about it. You looked too peaceful to wake. I was surprised you moved around though," Brooke said with a chuckle, she grabbed her coffee and almost coughed when it burnt her tongue.

Connor raised an eyebrow at her, "what are you talking about. Androids don't move in dormant stages, I woke up in the same position we fell asleep in." Brooke stopped the cup at her lips, staring back at him. Did she imagine the whole thing?

"No, when I woke up, your face was practically burrowed into my stomach," she replied. Connor scratched his head, now confused. He didn't think it was possible. "humanity in you remember, Connor. Might be a new behaviour you do," Brooke said, bringing her cup in the air towards him.

"I guess you are right. I and Hank are ready to interrogate the human and deviant, would you like to join us?" Brooke nodded, she pushed her cup into Connor's hand and jogged over to her desk.

He walked slowly to catch up to her, she dug around her desk which was now filled with info pads and paperwork. "Ahh, here it is. I was doing some research on them both. Seems the human did actually own the deviant, but I'm not sure as to why he brought it to the park. That type of android was designed for housework."

"We will find out," Connor replied reassuringly, he swapped the piles of paperwork with Brooke for her coffee, offering to carry them for her.

They both walked through the doors to their side of the interrogation room, on the other side of the one-way window was a small boxed room with a table and one chair on each side of it. Hank was already in there drinking his cup of coffee, of course, Gavin was also there.

"Why is he here?" Brooke snarled towards him. Gavin didn't answer her, he leant against the wall and starred in the direction of the other room.

"He is part of the investigations with androids," Hank said. "Unfortunately," he whispered.

"Fuck off, Hank. Why does she need to be here?" he said towards Brooke, she slammed her cup down and marched to stand face to face with him. 

"Protecting androids if something I do, jackass," she said inches from his face, Gavin smirked, not bothered by her.

Do Circuits Sing? Connor X OCWhere stories live. Discover now