Damien Victor.

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Brooke was dragged into the storage cupboard in the far corner of the station, few people walked down that area. Connor opened the door, moving to the side to push Brooke in first and then himself as he slammed the door behind them.

"Con-" Brooke was cut off with Connor's lips crashing into hers, he slammed her against the wall, making the cleaning products fall over and broomsticks falling with Brooke's weight taking their place. Connor wasn't slowing down, he pushed Brooke's arms above her, holding them in place with his hand taking hold of both her wrists.

Brooke moaned deeply when he slipped his tongue into her mouth, claiming her for himself, he used his other hand to ride her top up, grasping tightly to her breasts, her nipples were hard as she became turned on with Connor's burst of dominance.

They both continued to devour each other, nearly fighting to be with one another. Connor let Brooke drop her arms, they went straight for his stomach, untucking his shirt and riding it up slightly so she could drag her nails along his skin, Connor dropped from her lips to her neck, dragging her tongue and teeth across it.

Brooke took her hands lower, meeting his aching bulge behind his trousers. Connor hissed as she started to massage him against his contrasting jeans. He did the same to her, rubbing her clit over her own tight office trousers, she was nearly leaking through them. Brooke moved her hands higher to undo his belt, pulling it free a couple of holders before aggressively opening the button.

Connor did the same, he had three buttons to get through to drop Brooke's trousers, but he was able to do it at lightning speed. They both pulled and pushed at each other's trousers. Connor got Brooke's trousers down enough so she could open her legs wide, satisfied with that, he cupped his hands on her thighs and picked her up, slamming her again into the wall, Brooke grunted under the pressure.

"You okay?" he asked. Brooke kissed him reassuringly, pulling at his neck and jaw, he moaned deeply and dropped one of his hands to partly drop his boxers to free himself. He never knew it could be so constricting to try hold back a boner whilst wearing clothes. 

He guided himself in her, barely giving Brooke the chance to adjust before he was slamming into her deeply. Brooke dropped her head into his neck, clamping her teeth down hard to muffle her near screams. Connor moaned deeply at the sensation of her teeth, moving in faster and as deep as he could. Brooke held herself upon his shoulders, clawing her nails in deep.

They both were panting loudly, Brooke was sweating profusely as Connor had a light sheen on his forehead, his LED was flaring red, he had to relieve this stress he had been holding in as he watched Gavin try and claim Brooke. Brooke was his, no one else's, the thought made him move faster then what was humanly possible, Brooke struggled to keep up, near screaming and fluttering her eyelids.

Connor knew she was near, her panting was shorter and the sweat was starting to spread into her hair with the look that she had been in the shower. Connor moved her legs higher so they were wrapped around his hips rather than his waist, Brooke hissed at the pain her own hips were dealing with the inclined position, but it was too good to stop.

Her high finally came, she screamed a muffled moan into Connor's shoulder, clawing at the back of his shirt. Connor followed soon after, biting down hard on her neck as he let himself fill her, he slowed his pace, letting his lips rotate as they both held each other tight to calm their orgasms'.

They both held tight for a good few minutes until Brooke pulled her head back, Connor was looking at her, a devious smirk on the corner of his lips. She moved her legs away from his hips, letting them dangle until Connor gave in and lowered her. She held herself against the wall, her legs had lost all circulation and the numbing sensation had set in. 

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