The Struggles Of An Android/Human Relationship.

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Brooke was relieved their limo had tinted windows, what was happening on the inside wasn't exactly family-friendly. Connor could barely keep his hands off her, he tried multiple times to get her dress off, but Brooke wouldn't allow him, he had to wait until they got back to his apartment.

Connor had asked Hank to look after Nala for the night as he wanted Brooke all to himself. They were mostly kissing and groping on their way home, Connor was struggling to conceal his growing member behind his tight suit pants, it was becoming really uncomfortable for him. Brooke tried not to tease him, but the kisses she was planting down his neck was just making it worse.

"How much longer?" Brooke asked in a seductive voice, she had placed her hand against Connors inner thigh, slowly dragging her nails up and down.

Connor gulped heavily, trying to calm himself. "I.. ugh.. we're five minutes away," he struggled to say. Brooke chuckled at him, his LED was flaring red and the wrinkles in his forehead were giving away just how sexually frustrated he was becoming.

Brooke decided to stop with the touching and pulled herself back, giving some distance between them both, she could see just how much Connor was struggling. "Let's talk about something else. Did you have any plans you would like to do tomorrow?" Connor seemed to become troubled by the question, he was hiding something from her.

"I've been in contact with Markus. It seems that Cyberlife in the United Kingdom is having some struggles getting the same rights for androids as we have here," he explained. Brooke nodded, she didn't know much of the UK, she had only been once as a child, but she didn't remember much.

The UK didn't have many androids, most were situated in London. Cyberlife had been struggling to get a full allowance of androids all around the country. Scotland had banned androids for the sake of seeing them as slaves and Ireland didn't much care for them.

"And what does Markus want to do about that?" Brooke asked with a tilt in her head. Connor let out a small sigh, it seemed whatever Markus wanted to do might upset Brooke, but she was open-minded and wanted to help androids to the best of her abilities.

"He wishes to see us both tomorrow and talk about the possibility of us going to the UK to represent androids and their freedoms." Brooke was taken aback by Connors words, she was not in the slightest angry, but it was slightly alarming as to why it had to be her and Connor. She thought Markus and North would be the better fit, they are both androids after all.

"Why us?" she asked in a level voice, showing Connor with her calm smile that she wasn't angry or upset about the proposition.

"Markus did not go into much detail as to why it should be myself and you. But I would assume it would be because we can show that humans and androids can have healthy relationships," he replied with a small shrug.

"I get why that would work, we can talk about it tomorrow," Brooke said, ending the conversation, she could see they were nearing Connor's street. The limo came to a slow stop outside his apartment complex. The driver got out before opening the back doors for them both to get out. Brooke thanked the driver as she ascended the stairs to the front door, it was much colder as the night sky was taking over.

Connor thanked the driver and tipped him for his service, he jogged up the stairs, letting Brooke in quickly before she froze. "Jesus, this weather is shit," Brooke laughed as she shook her body to warm it up, the dress was well insulated but the fabric was very thin on her chest and arms.

"I've already heated the apartment up for you," Connor said with a smile as he let Brooke get in the lift before him.

"Thank you," Brooke replied as she pushed the button to Connor's apartment. She moved closer to him, cuddling up to his side, Connor dropped his arm over her shoulders. "I had a great time tonight."

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