The New Order.

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"Shall we begin?" Clarke asked as he unbuttoned his suit jacket to make himself more comfortable. There was some silence before one of the ministers finally spoke up, the youngest male of the bunch looked at Connor, the stern glare told Connor he did not approve of android freedom.

"I simply want to understand why androids should be given the same freedoms and laws as humans, our own do not show emotions and how do we know you are not putting it on to get those freedoms?" Brooke hitched a sharp breath, she nearly let out her anger on the minister, but she realised this would happen, there would be those who did not believe in android freedoms and it was up to Connor to convince them otherwise.

"I can assure you, sir, I am not here today pretending to feel emotions, androids cannot do that. Deviants also find it very difficult to pretend to be a simple android after they are converted, their need to show emotions are strong and ignoring them can end with a mental breakdown." Connor spoke with confidence, not faltering once in his persuasion of the minister, some made grunts in approval.

Connor looked at Brooke, the soft smile he offered her was of great respect and passion for his partner. "And I can assume Miss Quinn would tell the truth in that I am her partner and we are not pretending just because we are here today."

Brooke looked down at the table, everyone stared at her, waiting for confirmation that their relationship was true and as normal as any other. "Connor is my partner, I adore him more than any of my previous partners, which I will point out, were all human. Connor treats me like any gentleman should."

"How does this deviant behaviour work? Surely our own androids would have already converted if this had happened in America?" a female minister said. She seemed older, mid-forties at least, she wore the face of a woman who had seen nearly everything in life and didn't take shit with her line of work.

"It has to be a distressing situation that transfers one into deviancy. I was convinced by Markus himself to convert, which was very difficult due to my programming being the most sophisticated design to date," Connor explained. He sat forward in his seat, crossing his arms together on the table. "There is a virus that is carried across all androids that are linked to the network, it's known as Ra9, it's what is needed to break away from protocol and demand."

"Why doesn't this Ra9 virus convert androids here?" Clarke asked, his secretary was taking his notes for him, she sat in a single-arm chair with a pad on her lap, she would only look up at certain parts during a pause.

"I can only assume it is not part of the network here. Androids here are not connected to the same network as myself and other androids, Kamski created this virus, but it may have not transferred to this network for some reason." Connor waited for Clarke to nod in continuation, he swallowed slightly at his next words. "Myself and Markus can also convert androids by just a simple touch or hack of their programming."

"What?" the young male minister said in shock, he turned to Clarke in anger. "How do we not know it hasn't converted the other androids it's come into contact with?" Clarke partly opened his mouth to reply, but he was cut off by Brooke.

"He! Minister," she said with agitation. The Minister looked at her with cold eyes, ready for the argument. But Brooke was beating him to his own words, "you will address Connor by his gender or his fucking name, or this new alliance will not go very far."

"Excuse me, little girl-"

"Mr Jackson!" Clarke roared in an aggressive voice, the Minister, Mr Jackson nearly jumped out of his skin at the voice, he quickly turned to Clarke. "You will not speak to Brooke nor Connor like that, they are our guests and you will show them both respect or you can leave this room and not come back."

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