Red Ice Pt.1.

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"Markus, North welcome," Brooke said as she opened the door to her friends. Both androids had come to congratulate Brooke and Connor on their successful trip. They both walked through the door, Connor came out from the kitchen to welcome them. He shook hands with Markus and partly hugged North, though she seemed surprised when he did so.

"Why don't we all go sit down in the dining room?" Brooke suggested. Connor led the way through the main part of the apartment and through the archway to the open up room with the oak table inside. They all sat down, Markus wasted no time in speaking first.

"Congratulations on your successful trip. We were all relieved to find out everything went according to plan." Brooke felt her stomach tighten, it didn't go to plan.

"Charlotte's death was not part of the plan," she coldly added. North looked at Brooke, her brows furrowed as she studied the human. Brooke sat beside Connor, her arms crossed over her chest and her whole body closed off.

"Of course. We were all sad to hear of the news of her death, I am glad she got justice and her killer is now in prison," Markus replied. Connor looked at them both, seeing their eyes locked on each other. He decided to change the subject.

"Is there any news on the red ice issue?" he asked, getting Markus' attention. The android looked at the table with a sigh, it was either there was nothing new or many problems had occurred whilst they were gone.

"Yes, we have found more needles, there are more by the day. Also, graffiti has been found outside most of the Havens. They still haven't found the main Jericho haven, but many androids have reported being followed." Connor and Brooke looked at each other, they both hoped maybe with time and more androids converting the red ice issue might fix itself.

Brooke looked at North, "are there any other androids dating humans?" North's top lip lifted partly, she taped her nails into the table.

"No, just you and Connor." Brooke nodded, it wasn't a surprise there were no other human/android couple, both parties were either scared or hated the other.

"We need to get the investigation moving along. Soon something bad will happen," Brooke announced to them all.

"Agreed," North said. Markus stood up from his seat and walked back and forth, he wanted to protect his people, but he was unsure how to when they had little evidence but some graffiti and needles.

"Connor," he quickly said as he turned on his heel to face the other android, an idea jumping to mind. Connor looked up at him with curiosity, "you mentioned before that you could decipher handwriting? Figure out who it belongs to by just a scan of their own with the evidence."

"Correct, I was able to figure out a prime suspect was an android by the handwriting done in the victim's blood. It was not difficult to conclude that no human would write with such neat and precise wording." Markus clicked his fingers together, the best and possibly easiest way to get a new lead came to mind.

"We found a website, an android hating website. Most are anonymous, but post posters of hate speech they have done themselves. If you come and analyze the graffiti, you might be able to make a match from the website." Connor knew this was the best option they had, he stood up from his seat.

"That might work, we will meet you at your Haven soon. We must first visit Hank." Brooke stood up as well, followed closely by North.

"Please let me know when you are planning to arrive, we can get the other evidence ready for you," Markus said as she shook Connor's hand. They were both seen to the door, Brooke and Connor left not long afterwards to go see Hank. Brooke had missed Nala and was looking forward to seeing her again.

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