Connor 2.O.

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Kamski was woken up by Chloe, she sounded desperate as she aggressively shuck him awake. "Chloe, what's wrong?" he asked, half annoyed with his sleep being disturbed. Chloe had tears stained in her cheeks, her body trembled in fear. "Chloe?!" he shouted louder.

"Miss Quinn and others have arrived, Connor has been shot and his body is close to shutting down," she said at a fast pace, much different from her normal calm and soothing voice. Kamski didn't need another word to be spoken, he jumped out of his bed and rushed to his walk-in wardrobe to change.

Brooke stood in the hallway, Connor on the wheelie bed next to her, he hadn't moved since falling into his dormant state, the blue blood had slowed down from gushing out of the bullet wound. None of them knew of the timer warning Connor had before he would shut down, but they were running out of time and only had a few minutes to get his bleeding under control and save his Thirium pump.

Kamski rushed out of the room connecting to his blood coloured bath, he looked at the fearful faces of Brooke and Gavin as they both begged him with their eyes for help. "Bring him through, quickly. We don't have much time."

Gavin pushed the bed as Brooke jogged at the side, holding Connor's hand the whole way. Kamski and Chloe led them into his home office, it creepily looked the exact same as his experimentation room at Cyberlife tower.

Two more Chloe's rushed in from the door at the other side of the room, Gavin backed away in shock as they all started to gather Kamski equipment. "How many does he have?" he mumbled to Brooke.

"Shut up, Gavin," she uttered to him. "I need you to go get Hank, he doesn't know what's happened." She pushed him towards the door, he curtly nodded before rushing out of the room. "Can you save him?" she asked as Kamski was being dressed in protective clothing and one of the Chloe's laid out his tools.

"I will try, Brooke," he replied. Kamski looked over Connor before starting, the bullet wound could be seen right through his chest with wires sparking and Thirium leaking the hole of the wound. "Suction," he said as the Chloe Brooke personally grabbed the suction cup and sucked the blood out with the slow vacuum.

Kamski connects wires to Connor's forehead, where his LED would have been. The countdown warning quickly loaded up, there were three minutes left. "Shit, he is shutting down. Chloe get the memory storage box," he shouted. Chloe ran off.

Brooke rushed over, watching as Kamski started to grab wires from the drawer at his side and dig them into Connor's chest and then moving the wires from his forehead to be replaced with more leads. "What do you mean he is shutting down?"

Kamski looked at her, he gave her a sad smile but didn't reply. Chloe returned and connected the small tablet up with the wires from Connor's chest and forehead, the countdown began as his memories and consciousness were stored inside.

"I can't save him, Brooke. His wounds are too much," Kamski said in a dull tone. Brooke felt her world crash down, she dropped to the floor with a cry. The dark-haired Chloe rushed to her, offering her what comfort she could as she hugged her tightly. "There is a way to bring him back," he added.

She looked at him from the floor, sniffling back her tears. "What do you mean? You just said it yourself: he is gone."

"No, I have saved his memories and full consciousness on this," he said pointing at the tablet that laid on Connor's stomach, it bleeped with the complete download being finished. "Connor can transfer himself into any android, but he can't do it himself with his current body being shut down. We can give him a new body."

"I'm not letting you just give me some random-looking android, you either give me Connor back just the same as before or not at all." Brooke knew it was a gamble when it would be so easy to bring Connor back, but she couldn't see him the same if he came with a completely different body.

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