Chapter 16: Secret Mission

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Himawari sat on a swing when her brother approached her.

"Oni-Chan" a smile spread across her face.

"Himawari" he returned her smile and hugged her.

He pushed her swing for a while spending time with her. Boruto thought back to the Chunin Exams and how he almost saw his sister die in front of him and did nothing.

"I promise I will always protect you Hima" Himawari smiled at her brother and hugged him tightly.

And I will do what is right for us. Himawari thought.

Boruto said goodbye to his sister since he was leaving on a mission for a few days.

Kenzo appeared as soon as her brother left. "Kenzo-Kun" she greeted.

"Hn" he sat on a swing besides her not really saying anything. They sat in silence and they were both okay with that.

"I used to think being a shinobi was fun. I've started to realize it is actually pain." Himawari looked up to see Kenzo hovering over her.

A faint sad smile was seen on his face, "you are barely beginning to grasp the meaning of pain." His hand did the same action he had done previously. He took a small strand of her bangs between his fingers letting his fingers slide slowly down the strand. "There is more to come Himawari and we must be prepared for everything. At the end all we have is each other to rely on."

Himawari stood shocked at his words. This is was the first time Kenzo had spoken so much and to say those words.

Sasuke and Itachi watched the scene before them. Himawari and Kenzo talking. Sasuke felt a bit confused as to how his son could say such deep words.

"There is something bothering you" Sasuke said to his older brother.

"The match, something was not right about it."

"What do you mean?"

"Himawari showed impressive skill. She used jutsu's that are not genin level. Isn't it odd for her to have such skill and still fall for such an obvious trap as getting close to the body of water?" Itachi commented as he himself tried to figure out what had happened during the match.

Sasuke thought back to the match. He had noticed it but he thought Himawari had lost concentration because of the insults Kei had thrown at her.

"If we wouldn't have stopped her she would've killed him" Itachi finished.

"But she didn't. She isn't like us, she is pure. She is Naruto's daughter. And we stopped her from going further." Sasuke defended.

Itachi decided to keep quiet. I won't be able to talk to him about this either. His judgement is clouded by his feelings. I can't blame him either. It's the daughter of his bestfriend of course he wants to see only the good.

"The Hokage requieres my assistance. I should get going." Itachi disappeared.

Back at the Hokages office Hayami stood in front of the Hokage waiting for the other ninja she would go on the mission with.

Itachi entered after knocking. Hayami did her best to keep her composure. This Uchiha was beginning to irritate her.

"This mission requires total silence. I need both of you to infiltrate the mist village. We believe they had ulterior motives behind the Chunin Exams. I need you both to go undercover and find the reason."

"Hai" Hayami answered as she took the scroll in her hands. "I have one question."

"What is it, Hayami-Sensei?"

"Why must the two of us go? Wont it be more suspicious if two people arrive?"

Konohamuru sighed, "Yes but no. The Mist village has been very picky about who they let in the village. It is more likely they let a couple with a baby on the way than a single women or a single men."

Hayami understood what he wanted of them after that. They left the Hokages office and packed for their mission.

Meeting at the entrance of the village Hayami thought about what else she would do while on her mission and how she would hide it from Itachi.

"We'll go over our plan on the way" Itachi said.

They begun their journey towards the Mist village. They stopped to rest once the sun started setting.

"I believe we will have to act as a married couple." Hayami stated.

"Yes, and you will have to pretend to be pregnant. Will you be able to?"

Hayami smirked, "you offend me Itachi. Of course I can. My chakra manipulation is exceptional it is actually my specialty. I can replicate chakra inside making it seem as if I have another life inside."

Itachi nodded, he knew of her skill but he wasn't sure of how far it expanded since he has never battled her or observed her in a battle of great magnitude.

Before they arrived at the mist village they got into their disguise. Itachi had done his best to cover the lines on his cheeks. He grabbed his hair away from his face and changed his clothing to commoners clothes.

He waited patiently for Hayami to be done. Hayami finally emerged from the trees. She was tying her kimono not facing Itachi. When Itachi finally caught a sight of Hayami's face his breathe got caught in his throat. He was taking of guard by how she looked.

She looks like her...

Hayami had hid her blue hair and instead of her usual long blue hair medium brown hair replaced it. She had removed any trace of makeup. Without her usual eye makeup her brown eyes seemed bigger.

Itachi felt his heart jump out of his chest at her sight. He couldn't take his eyes off her and he worried he wouldn't be able to focus on this mission as she reminded him too much of her.

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