Chapter 1

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Prequel to Fernandes of Fairy Tail


※ Everyone knows what would happen if Jellal joined Fairy Tail...But what would happen if Erza joined Crime Sorciere? ※

DISCLAIMER: All characters and names belong to Hiro Mashima. (If I owned Fairy Tail, Jerza would be cannon by now!)

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"Guys, I have something to say. It's better for me..and the guild" I said slowly.

Was I making the right decision?

"Juvia would like to join the team," I said with a smile.

"That's great!" Gray said. "Welcome to the team!"

"Juvia is really happy!" the water mage said, grinning.

"But I am no longer going to be part of the team," I said firmly.

"WHAT!?" the four mages yelled.

"Erza..Why? Is something wrong?" Lucy asked soothingly.

"No..It's just that, I'm an S Class wizard, and I need to start focusing more on that. Start going on more S Class quests, and maybe SS Class quests. You don't see Gildarts, Laxus, and Mira Jane on any teams," I said hoping my team mates would understand.

"That makes no sense!" Natsu demanded.

"Juvia will not join, if that's the reason you're leaving," Juvia exclaimed.

"It's not like I'm leaving the guild!" I said, shooting everyone my signature death glare.

"Erza~" Lucy whined. "You can't leave our team! You can go on an SS Class mission and still be on Team Natsu!"

"An SS Class mission takes months. Maybe even a year-"

"Erza is right," Master said. "She is doing this for her own good."

I need cake..

I left the guild hall, and all of the confused whispering from my former team mates.

It's for the best. It's time to think about becoming a better S Class wizard...Maybe even a wizard saint..Or a guild master..

I began to walk around Magnolia, looking at all the newly decorated shops. I walked into my favorite bakery and bought a slice of strawberry cake.

"Only one slice, Miss Scarlet? One?" the baker asked, surprised.

"Yes, it's unusual," I said with a sigh, walking back outside.

"Erza!" a man's voice said from behind me. I turned around, facing three hooded people, motioning for me to follow them.


Ultear, Meredy, and Jellal led me into an alleyway, where they took off their hoods.

"Long time no see!" Meredy said, giving me a big hug.

"Yeah, we've missed you," Ultear added.

"You guys shouldn't be here," I whispered. "What if-"

"I heard you're no longer part of Team Natsu," Jellal whispered.

"How did you know?" I asked in surprise.

"It's on the news," Meredy said.

Oh god..

"Never mind that, we have very little time!" Jellal said quickly.

"Would you like to join Crime Sorciere?"


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