Chapter 6

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Mira Jane: So, you joined Crime Sorciere without telling anyone?

How did Mira know?  Did she tell Master? I must be in big trouble..This is so embarrassing..

I decided to ignore the text and continue reading.

I'll answer it later..


I couldn't concentrate on my book. My eyes kept straying over to either the window, the clock, or my phone. Finally, unable to resist, I wrote:

Erza: How did you know? Also please keep this secret! How many people know?

Mira Jane instantly replied.

Mira Jane: Once you're done with your "mission," meet me back at the guild hall.

Erza: Okay

"Erza, come on! We have to take the train to Onibus!" Ultear said, as she knocked quietly on my door. I quickly requipted into my armor and went downstairs to meet my Crime Sorciere comrades.

After some difficulty, the four of us managed to sneak onto the train undetected. 

"Erza, I forgot to give you your Crime Sorciere cloak," Jellal told me, handing me the navy cloth.

"Thanks," I said, putting it on over her armor.


"Okay, is everyone ready?" Ultear asked, the train finally stopping at Onibus.

 Meredy and I nodded.

"Come on," Ultear said getting up.

"Where are we going?" I asked. "Isn't the door that way?"

"We need to jump off the train."

"W-What?" I asked. "Like..literally 'jump' off the train."

"Yep," Meredy said, dragging me over towards the engine. "Climb up on to this machine and you should be able to lift yourself up to that platform."

"That's it," Jellal whispered. "Now try to pull that latch."

I grabbed the pole with my left hand and reached for the latch with my right, "This one?"

"Yeah. Now pull it down."

I pulled on it and an opening in the roof appeared.

"Last stop! Onibus! I repeat! Last stop! Onibus!" the conductor yelled.

"Quickly!" Ultear hissed, pushing Meredy up on to the platform. "Erza? Are you up there?"

Who knew trains could be so tall..

"Jump!" Jellal whispered in my ear.

My hands clenched into fists.

Dammit Erza! Jump already!

"You're..scared of heights.." Jellal mumbled. "I forgot."

"What's the hold up?" Ultear asked from down below.

"I won't let you fall. I promise."

I nodded numbly and jumped off the roof of the train.


This was it. We were finally standing in front of the guild we were going to disband. We were going to sneak in as 'new members', gain their trust, then attack. According to Meredy, it worked every single time.

Let's kick some ass!

Jellal lead the way, and entered the guild. A man with a dark beard and cloak blocked the entrance. "May I help you?" he whispered.

"Yes, we would like to join the guild," I said.

"Why?" the man asked.

I hesitated, thankfully Ultear noticed and jumped in. "We want to destroy the Magic Council."

"Very well. You may call me 'Master'. What are your names?" the master asked kindly.

"You may call me Knightwalker. This is Himitsu, and this Meldy," I said. 

With a sudden jolt, I realized Jellal had never mentioned what his disguise name was.

"And this young gentlemen?" the man asked.

A mischievous smile spread across my face. 

The perfect name..

"This is Sapphire..Sapphire Blue," I said, with a complete poker face.

Jellal was clearly going to get his revenge. But his facial expression was priceless.

Ultear and Meredy were trying their best not to laugh. Meredy had to turn around in order to maintain my lie.

"Sapphire, eh? Kind of girly.." the man chuckled.

"It was his mom's fault," I said, biting my lip so I wouldn't burst out laughing.

"Excellent, come along, Knightwalker, Meldy, Himitsu, and Sapphire." the master commanded.

"Come here, let me stamp our mark on you.." he said. 

Jellal turned to us and nodded, reminding us to hold out the part of our skin where the magic liquid was applied. This way, we were not 'officially' part of the guild.

We all held out our right hand.

"Excellent, my friend Shadow will show you where you will be staying,"

"Staying?" Meredy asked.

"Yes, I assume you don't have homes?" the master asked.

"Um, yes of course!" Meredy added hastily.

Shadow came in and looked at me. "Hello..We normally don't have beautiful ladies like you join the guild," he said.

Ever heard of something called personal space?

"Umm.." I stammered, completely confused.

"Leave her alone," Jellal whispered darkly.

"Why?" Shadow challenged. "I'm not offending you, am I?"

"Because..she's... m-my fiancee.." 


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