Chapter 11

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"Luminous Minutes!" Ultear shouted, holding out her hands. Numerous orbs began to shoot in all directions. The battle had begun. And Crime Sorciere had no choice but to win!

"Maguility Rays!" Meredy said, echoing Ultear and joining the beginning of the attack.

"Heavenly Arrows!" Jellal shouted, sending several arrows at Wind.

I won't allow you to kill any of my comrades!

Wind narrowed her eyes and held up her hands. The arrows instantly zoomed around her.

Jellal frowned. This guild is tougher then I thought..

"Heavenly Palm!" he shouted.

"Shadow Wind" the girl yelled, a black whirlwind appearing in front of her.

"Heavenly Body Magic: Grand Chariot!" the blue-haired mage said.

She can't dodge this!

"Shadow Wave!" Wind shouted, thrusting her hands out. Black wind surrounded me, and I began to pant.

The's getting thinner!

He heard the slash of a sword and I jumped out, wearing my Morning Star Armor.

"Your fight's with me, not him," I growled.

"Very well then," Wind said smirking. She snapped her fingers and the air returned to normal. I collapsed to my knees, trying to catch my breath.

"Requipt: Heavens Wheel Armor!" I shouted.

"Be careful Erza," he whispered to me, so quietly I almost thought it was my imagination.

"I will," I promised.

Jellal cares about me...still..

He got up from the ground and ran after Shadow.

~ ~ ~

"Well, shall we begin?" Wind asked, a sly smile on her face.

I nodded. I'm a Crime Sorciere member and a Fairy Tail member! I'm twice as strong as her!

"Blumenblatt!" I yelled, sending my swords at her. From the corner of my eye I could see Ultear and Meredy fighting side by side against Thunder and Storm. Jellal was fighting Shadow.

My eyes widened in surprise, when I realized my swords hadn't even touched my opponent.

"Reminds me of Midnight.." I murmured, recalling the time I had battled the Oracion Seis member.

"Hand over Erza Scarlet, and we will stop this unnessecary fight!" Storm ordered, as he choked Meredy.

"N-n-e-ever!" Meredy choked out. Ultear on the other hand was trying to defend herself from Thunder and rescue Meredy at the same time. Jellal was nowhere to be seen.

They're fighting because of me..

"Requipt! Black Wing armor!" I shouted.

Meredy is going through pain because of me..

"Moonflash!" I said, aiming at my enemy. From behind me, Ultear screamed in pain.

Ultear is being tortured by Storm because of me.

"Give us Erza Scarlet!" Storm yelled.

"No!" Ultear screamed.

I couldn't take it anymore. Wind wasn't even fighting me, Meredy was being choked, Ultear was being tortured, and I had no idea where Jellal was.

It's my fault the mission failed..I bet even Jellal wishes he hadn't asked me to join his guild..

I turned on my heel and did the one thing I promised myself I would never do.

I fled the battle.


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