Chapter 39

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Erza POV

"Natsu!" Lucy groaned. "You blew our cover!"

"Get back here, you baka!" I whispered. "I'm the one leading this remember?"

"You lead everything!" Natsu complained, reluctantly taking his place at the back of the group.

"Fairy Tail!" Lahar shouted. "I should've known! Up to no good as usual!"

I opened my mouth, unsure what to say.

"We're here to attend the trial of Jellal Fernandes, Ultear Milkovitch, and Meredy," Master said.

"M-master Makarov?" Lahar stammered, bowing his head with respect. "But there is no trial!"

"So you gave a trial to the Oracion Seis group, but not to Jellal?" I spat.

"Calm down," Lucy whispered in my ear.

"I will not calm down until I prove Jellal innocent!" I shouted. "And Ultear and Meredy!"

Lahar and Doranbolt exchanged frightened looks.

Lahar sighed, "Very well.."

"When will it be?" Gray asked.


I shook my head, "Now."





"That's a lot to ask for," Gray muttered. "We're lucky-"

"Fine!" Lahar said, his eyes blazing with anger. "The trial is now."

"Come on," Master whispered. "Let's go."

"How are you going to defend Jellal?" Natsu asked.

"Easy," I said, smirking.

"I kinda feel bad for Lahar.." Lucy said.

"You should," I muttered.

Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Master, Laxus, Mira, and I walked into the court and sat down.

"Erza, go up to the front," Mira whispered. "Remember? You have to convince the council members! Good luck!"

I nodded and walked up to the front, What if I fail? Then..Jellal will die..because of me..

"State your opinion," Lahar said.

"I believe Jellal, Ultear, and Meredy are innocent," I said firmly.

Lahar raised his eyebrows, "Is that so? All three have been accused of treason. Fernandes has been accused of murdering Simon Mikazuchi."

"Jellal was possessed!" I shouted. "Why can't you get it through your thick heads!?"

"Calm down, Erza," Jellal whispered.

My eyes widened, "They didn't disable your telepathy link?"

"Nope!" Meredy said.

"That is no excuse for his actions," Lahar announced. "Anyway, Ultear possessed Jellal, am I correct? And what about Meredy? She wasn't brainwashed!"

"Zeref," I muttered.

"What?" Lahar asked.

"Zeref brainwashed Ultear who possessed Jellal."

Lahar chuckled dryly, "I see..blame everything on Zeref.."

"Ugh! Why is everything so complicated?" I shouted.

"Show him what you showed me," Jellal whispered.

"What are you talking about," Ultear asked.

I smiled, Of course! Why didn't I do it before?

"Let me give you an example," I said calmly. "Lahar. Doranbolt. Come here."

The Rune Knights frowned so I quickly reassured them, "I won't hurt them. Too badly.."

"Stick out your arm," I ordered.

Lahar obediently stuck out his arm. I grabbed his hand and slapped Doranbolt with it.

"What was that for?" Doranbolt yelped, glaring at me.

"See. It was my fault. Not Lahar's," I explained.

"I'm going to slap Erza using Gray's hand!" Natsu yelled.

I turned around, "Shut up, Natsu!"

Lahar stared at me, "Fine. Maybe Fernandes and Milkovitch are innocent. What about Meredy?"

"She simply was following her mother, Ultear," I said.

"But the townspeople don't trust them!" one of the council members shouted.

"Let them join a guild," I said. "That guild will watch over them."

Lahar narrowed his eyes, "But-"

"Just do it!" I yelled. "They'll be fine! Not only that, they've been going around taking down dar-"

"No," Jellal whispered. "Don't tell them about Crime Sorciere."

"Why not?" Meredy and I whispered.

"Just don't."

"Fine!" Lahar said angrily. "Take the fugitives! They're going to be joining Fairy Tail, right?"

Jellal, Ultear, and Meredy nodded.

"They'll be released tomorrow morning," he continued.

I opened my mouth to argue some more but Jellal stopped me.

"That's enough Erza."

"We should go," Master said. "Thank you Lahar."

Lahar did not respond.

I watched as the Rune Knights began to place the hand cuffs back on Ultear's hands. Jellal looked up and locked eyes with me. He pushed the Rune Knights aside and hugged me.

"Thank you Erza," he whispered. "Thank you so much."

"I'm only trying my best to repay you," I murmured.

"Come back here, Fernandes!" Lahar said.

Jellal let go of me and walked back to the Rune Knights.

I'm only repaying you, Jellal. You protected me when I was little..I'll protect you now..


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