Chapter 33

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Jellal POV

Beep Beep ~

I pulled out the lacrima orb from my cloak, "What is it Ultear? Are there Rune Knights nearby?"

"What's taking you so long?" she asked impatiently from the lacrima. "It takes an entire hour to get a small jug of water?"

"I'm going back, don't worry," I assured her.

"Oh really?" she asked, looking at me from the orb. "Why isn't your background moving then?"


"I'm in the dark," I said. "You wouldn't be able to see clearly."

Ultear rolled her eyes with annoyance, "Oh, so your hair doesn't move when you walk?"


"You've got to be kidding me," she grumbled. "Forget it. Meredy already got the water. Do whatever you want."

The lacrima orb switched off, leaving me in peace in quiet.

"What are you doing here?" a familiar voice.

"I was..looking for water," I said, whirling around, finding myself face to face with none other then Erza Scarlet.

"No you weren't," Ultear said from the communication lacrima. "You were wandering around Magnolia, doing absolutely nothing."

Remind me to throw the communication lacrima into the river as soon as this conversation is over..

"Just keep him busy until Meldy and I finish making dinner, okay Erza?," Ultear continued. "You are there, right Erza?"

"Yeah," Erza said.

Ultear smiled, "That's what I thought. I heard your voice. Anyway, I've got to go. Have fun Jellal."

Erza looked at me suspiciously, "What did Ultear mean by 'keep you busy?'"

I awkwardly shrugged, "No clue.."

"What were you doing around the guild, anway?"she asked.

"I was..looking for dark magic," I blurted out.

Why do I always feel so nervous around her..?

She raised an eyebrow, "Interesting."

I stayed silent.

"So.." Erza whispered. "Any dark guilds forming?"

"None that I've heard of," I informed her.

"I see.." she looked around cautiously. "Isn't it risky to be out in the open? Lahar is still looking for you."

"Not really. It's evening, the Rune Knights don't come out at this time..usually," I said comfortingly.

"Are you sure?" she asked.


Erza looked a bit doubtful, so I added, "I bet you a wagon load of cake that they won't find me."

"But..then I'll want you to be captured," she said mischievously.

"That's a shame," I said with a small smile.

We stood together silently, watching the sun going down. The clouds were now stained orange and was a truly beautiful sight..

Which reminds me..the time I pushed Erza away on the beach when she had tried to kiss me..We had finally reunited after seven years and I had pushed her away.

What kind of friend am I? Does she even consider me a friend? I'm lucky she even talks to me!

"Jellal," Erza whispered. "I have to go back to the guild."

I nodded, "Go ahead."

She gave me a quick hug, "I'm glad I got to see you today."

Before I got to respond, she turned around and ran back to the Fairy Tail guild.

Me too.


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