Chapter 36

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Jellal POV

"What dark guild is it?" Erza asked.

"I think it's called 'Tiger Eye,' Ultear whispered.

"It's a very small guild," I said. "Only three people."

"Like our guild before Erza joined," Meredy scoffed.

"We're going to camp out for the night," I continued. Meredy and Ultear exchanged excited looks.

"Don't get excited," Erza said, grinning evilly. "I bought myself a tent."

"Aww," Meredy whined. "Why?"

"I like my personal space," Erza whispered.

"Can we go to a resteraunt?" Ultear asked.

I sighed, "I suppose. Wait here while I change into my Mystogan outfit."

Ultear, Erza, and Meredy nodded and sat down.

"Do you like Jellal?" Ultear whispered to Erza. Erza opened her mouth to respond.

I quickly walked away and began to set up my tent.

I wonder what her reply was..

I shook the thought out my head.

Who cares?

I crawled into my tent and began to change out of my Crime Sorciere cloak.

So many layers of clothes..

"Are you done yet?" Meredy asked.

"Yes," I said, coming or of my tent.

"About time," Ultear muttered. "Take down your tent, then meet us at the edge of the woods."

"No! Wait for me!" I protested.

"Sure," Meredy said. "What resteraunt should we go?"

Erza shrugged,"It's up to you."

"How about Chipotle?" Meredy asked, jumping up. "Can we please go?"

"What's Chipotle?" Jellal asked.

Ultear and Erza stared at him, "What rock have you been living under?"

He looked at the ground, "I've been living on the run. You can't blame me."

"So have we!" Meredy and Ultear chorused.

Erza shook her head and smiled, "Let's go to Chipotle."

Ultear nodded, "We'll order it to go."

"How about I go and order it?" Erza suggested. "It'll be safer."

"Okay. And take Jellal with you. He needs to see what Chipotle looks like.

I rolled my eyes. Excuses, excuses..

"Come on, let's go," Erza urged, tugging on my arm.

I silently put on my mask and followed her out of the woods.

"We'll set up camp!" Ultear said on our way out.

We exited the dark woods and approached the busy town. I tried my best to blend in with the crowd but it was hard, considering my attire.

"You'll be fine," she reassured me. "Just act natural. You look very stiff. Relax."

"Is this Chipotle?" I asked, pointing to a small Mexican resteraunt.

Erza opened the door to the building and I stepped in.

She sighed, "It's been a while since I've eaten here. Master used to buy us Chipotle, but he stopped ever since we destroyed the building."

I chuckled softly, "How do you guys manage to destroy everything?"

Erza smiled, "Natsu and Gray."


I'm hungry, okay? Don't blame me. --- TheFairyHunter

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