Chapter 8

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Day two out of five, Crime Sorciere mission.

Ding Ding

I opened my eyes as Ultear's alarm clock went off. I heard muffled groans, as the time mage got up and turned off the clock. She took one look at Jellal and started laughing, causing Meredy to wake up.

Confused, I turned around on my bed and found Jellal splayed out on his bed.

"Does he always do this?"

Meredy laughed, "He always sets the alarm clock and ends up never hearing it."

I shook my head with dismay, "Jellal! Wake. Up."

"Just leave him there. He'll wake up on his own," Ultear said. 

I pulled on my boots and tucked my scarlet hair into my hood.

"Nervous?" Ultear asked.

"Not really. I just hope I won't screw things up on your mission," I responded.

"This is your mission also. You're a Crime Sorciere member as well," she whispered.

Jellal's eyes flew open and he stepped out of bed, "How long.."

"Quite a while."

"Sorry about that," he whispered sheepishly.

Jellal slowly put on his cloak. At that same moment, the door flew open. Meredy, Ultear, Jellal, and I straightened up immediately.

"Where?" Shadow asked.

"Where..what?" I asked.

"Zeref!" Shadow shouted angrily.

"Zeref?" I repeated.

"Yes, Zeref!"

"Oh, he isn't here.." Ultear said casually.

"Hmph. I swear, I saw him. If you see him, you must alert us immediately. We need to obtain Zeref!" the black haired man said insistently. 

Jellal's eyes widened. "Why?" he asked.

"You only just joined. We'll tell you once you prove yourself worthy," Shadow sneered.

"How?" I asked.

"Meet me in the guild hall. I'll introduce you to your new comrades, and we'll tell you what your test is," Shadow said, closing the door.

We stood in silence, still in shock. "Well, that was interesting," Ultear said.

Meredy smiled, and walked out the room. "Come on, we need to find out how to disband this guild!"

"Shhh, don't say it out loud!" Ultear whispered, motioning for us to follow.

So, you joined Crime Sorciere without asking?

I gulped. Hopefully Mira Jane didn't tell the whole guild where I really was. Hopefully, they still believed I was on a S Class mission.

How do I answer that question? Did I betray Fairy Tail? But Crime Sorciere is an independent guild..But still...

"Welcome," Shadow said, greeting us. "This is Thunder and Storm." he said, motioning to two teenage boys. "And this is Wind," he continued, pointing to a light blue haired girl.

"What's with the names?" Ultear asked telepathically.

"Probably some sort of code, like Oracion Seis," Jellal replied telepathically.

"Anyway, you were curious about why we needed Zeref?" Thunder asked.

We nodded eagerly.

"First, you must complete a task," Storm said.

"Your task it to destroy..What was the name? I forgot what she even looked like, its been so long.. El..Er.." Thunder stuttered.

"Erza. Erza Scarlet of the Fairy Tail guild," Wind answered. "Kill her."

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