Chapter 37

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(A/N: Just to clear things up from the last chapter; Chipotle is a restaurant that serves Mexican food. It is pure awesomeness!)

Erza POV

We sat down at our camp, eating Chipotle and talking.

"What's Fairy Tail like?" Meredy asked eagerly.

I smiled, "Fairy Tail is a very rowdy and destructive guild, but despite all's a really nice. They're like my family."

"Sounds cool," Ultear said wistfully.

"It must be tiring living on the run," I whispered.

Jellal nodded.

One day, I'll be the one to convince Lahar to set them free. I'll prove them innocent!

"I'm tired," Meredy yawned, stretching her arms.

"Where exactly is the dark guild?" I asked.

"Did you see a cave on the way to Chipotle?" Ultear asked.

I nodded, "The guild is in a cave?"


I opened my mouth to asked another question, but Jellal froze.

"What's wrong?" I whispered.

"We're moving camp," he whispered, folding up the tents.

"What?" Ultear and Meredy asked. "Already?"

I frowned, "Someone is here.."

Jellal stuffed the tents in his bag and motioned for us to get up.

"Finally," Lahar murmured.

Jellal's eyes widened and he shoved me to the side.

I fell to the ground and Jellal mouthed, "Run."

I shook my head, "No."

"Run. Right. Now."

I could feel tears forming in my eyes and I hid deeper in the woods.

"About time," Lahar said, handcuffing Jellal. "Let's put you where you belong."

"What about the girls?" one of the Rune Knights asked.

"Take them as well. They were working with this criminal," Lahar said, waving his hand at them carelessly.


"W-what's going to happen to us?" Meredy squeaked.

One of the Rune Knights turned to the trembling girl, "You seriously don't know?"


Lahar smiled, "It's something worse then spending your entire life in prison."


My eyes widened and I ran from the scene. I needed to go to Fairy Tail.

"Master!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"What's wrong, Erza?" Mira asked.


I tried to appear calm, but completely failed. Instead I collapsed on to a chair and buried my head in my arms.

"Jellal.." I panted. "Crime Sorciere..they were caught by the Rune Knights."

"Do you know what Lahar is going to do to them?" Master asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Something worse then spending a lifetime in prison," I whispered.

"What's worse then that?" Natsu asked. "..Oh..Death?"

Lucy and the rest of the guild glared at him.

"Don't worry, Erza!" Natsu said cheerfully. "Jellal is strong! He'll just beat them up!"

"He's not going to," I said. "He believes he deserves death."

"That's not good," Natsu muttered.

"Thanks for stating the obvious, Flame-"

"Shh," Lucy scolded.

"We'll go see the Magic Council tomorrow," Makarov said.

"But what if it's too late?"

"It's not," he said calmly. "Lahar will first announce it to the public. Then he it."

I'm such a fool, Jellal. I ran away- again.


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