Chapter 35

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Jellal POV

"How's your princess?" Ultear asked. 

"Erza's fine," I said. "And she's not my princess."

"Are you going to sit there all day?" Meredy asked, an irritated look across her face. "You do know you were the one who told us we're moving camp, right?"

"Yes, I know," I told her, getting up from my spot. "I'm afraid the Rune Knights me find us here."

"What about Erza?" Meredy whispered. "Did you tell her we were moving our camp?"

I froze, "Oh..I forgot."

"You could send a pigeon," she suggested.

"No, that's too risky," Ultear said. "We'll have to stop by the guild."

"We should just bring Erza with us," I said. "In case we come across a dark guild."

"Excuses, excuses," Ultear muttered under her breath.

Meredy laughed, "Let's go then!"

Erza POV

"You promised!" Natsu whined.

Lucy sighed, "Natsu? You want to go to the infirmary again?"

"But she promised she would fight me!" Natsu said.

"My ankle is aching," I said. "How about tomorrow?"

"Is the mighty Titania complaining?" Jellal asked with amusement.

"Is the 'Silent One' being a stalker again?" I shot back.

"Buuurrrnnn," Meredy giggled.

"What are you guys doing here?" Lucy asked. 

"We need to talk to Erza," Ultear said, pushing me out the door.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"No, we just wanted you to know that we are moving the Crime Sorciere camp," Meredy said.


"Rune Knights," Jellal whispered.


"Want to come?" he asked. "There's a dark guild in Shirotsume  that needs to be disbanded."

"There's also a man in Magnolia that needs to confess his love for you," Meredy mumbled.

"MEREDY!" Jellal yelled. Meredy nervously hid behind Ultear.

I stared awkwardly at them, "Um..shall we get going?"

"Yes," Jellal said quickly. "Let's go."

Jellal put his mask back on and Ultear and Meredy pulled their hoods on.

"Requipt: Crime Sorciere Cloak," I said.

"Cool," Meredy complimented. "You can requipt into it now? How convenient!"

"Yeah, it is," I replied.

We walked through several alleyways (Jellal insisted we stay hidden) until we made it to the Magnolia Train Station.

"Do you always do this?" I asked. "What if someone catches you?"

Ultear shrugged, "It's not that hard."

Meredy, Ultear, Jellal, and I made our way on to the train and sat down.

"I'm bored," Meredy announced. "Let's play a game."

"No!" Jellal and I groaned in unison. "Not 'Tell Meredy Some Embarrassing Secrets!'"

"In sync already," Ultear whispered with admiration.

"Why can't we play my game?" Meredy asked.

"Couldn't you have come up with a better name for your game?" Ultear said.

"How about..T.M.S.E.S.?"

Ultear face-palmed, "Never mind."

"You go first Ul," Meredy urged.

Ultear grinned, "Meredy has a crush on-"

"NO!" Meredy yelled. "You have to tell me an embarrassing secret. Not them!"

"Who?" I asked.


I covered my mouth and burst out laughing.

"What's wrong?" Ultear asked.

"Lyon is obsessed with Juvia," I said.

"Oh.." Meredy whispered. She looked up, "It's not like I care! I don't like Lyon anyway! Okay, Erza is next!"

An embarrassing secret..

"Hey Jellal.." I said slowly. "Remember that time when Simon tried to kiss me on the cheek?"

"Y-yeah," he stammered.

"And?" Ultear and Merdy asked.

"Jellal walked in between us, and Simon ended up kissing the air."

Jellal quickly looked out the window.

"He claimed it was an accident," I continued.

Ultear patted Jellal on the back, "Nice.."

"Did I mention he was in the middle of dancing?" I added.

"Dancing?" Meredy asked. "Jellal dances?"


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