Chapter 28

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(A/N:*look at the media above!* I know it's not Christmas, but neko-Jellal is so kawaii! <3 Anyway, this is what I was imagining neko-Jellal to look like...With silver-blue fur ..And no tattoo..)

Jellal POV

"You're back already?" Lisanna asked, almost disappointed.

"Yeah," Erza said. "I've polished all my armor and swords."

"You're so cute!" Meredy laughed, picking me up and hugging me.

"Y-you're ch-choking me!" I coughed.

"Can you keep Jellal like this, permanently?" Ultear asked.

"Maybe.." Mira said with a smile. "But I don't think Erza would like that.."

"What do you mean?" Erza asked, glaring at her comrade.

Mira smirked, "If he was a cat, how would you be able to ki-"

"Listen up brats!" Master yelled. "According to Happy, Lahar and the Rune Knights are on the way to 'check' on our guild."

"Transform!" Meredy and Ultear shouted, temporary engulfing themselves in pink light and changing their appearances.

"Everyone all set?" Makarov asked, looking around. "Excellent, I want all of you on your best behavior!"

"Yes, master," the guild and Crime Sorciere chorused.

Right on queue, the doors burst open and Lahar and Doranbolt entered. I quickly backed away and hid under the table, watching their feet.

"Lahar, Doranbolt," Master said, tipping his head respectively.

"Where are the rest of the Rune Knight," Erza whispered.

"No clue," Lucy muttered.

"Are you sure you haven't seen the fugitive Jellal Fernandes anywhere?" Lahar asked Erza for the millionth time.

That reminded me of the time I had lost my memory..

"You know you can always turn me in," I said, not meeting Erza's eyes.

She shook her head, "No." Smiling brightly she whispered,"I'm with you."

"Of course not!" Erza said, pretending to be surprised. "If I did see him, I would have..turned him in..immediately."

I froze, and it felt as if my heart was shattering into tiny pieces.

She's only faking it..

"Thank you, Miss Scarlet," Lahar said. "And also the two mages; Ultear Milkovitch and her daughter, Meredy.

"They helped Fernandes escape prison," Doranbolt added solemnly. Turning to Lahar, he whispered, "I finished examining the guild. Next is Blue Pegasus."

I stiffled a laugh; Lahar's serious expression had turned into a bewildered one, "B-Blue Pegasus?"

Doranbolt laughed nervously, "Hopefully Master Bob won't be there.."

"Anyway, we must get going!" Lahar said, getting up and walking elegantly to the door. Doranbolt followed.

Smiling to myself, I quietly launched out from under the table and sneakily followed Lahar.

"Sapphire!" Erza whispered. "What are you doing?"

I unsheathed my claws and quickly swiped at the hem of Lahar's cape.

"Kya!" he yelled, jumping away from me. "Miss Scarlet! Control your cat!"

"Gomenesai!" Erza said hastily, detaching me from his cape.

"You naughty cat!" she scolded quietly, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

The two Council Mages exited the building and the guild burst out laughing.



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