Chapter 5

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"How exactly are you guys able to eat at a cafe without being caught?" I whispered.

Meredy grinned, "This is a pretty old, rundown place- not many people come here."

"Yeah, the news about three fugitives hasn't spread here yet," Ultear added.

"Oh. That's convenient."

"So, are you excited for your first Crime Sorciere mission tomorrow?" Ultear asked looking up from her food.

"Yes," I responded, taking a bite of my cake. Yes, I consider strawberry cake as a breakfast food. "What do you do to disband a dark guild?"

"Hmm.." Meredy said thoughtfully. "That depends on how big the guild is. Sometimes we just break in and attack. Other times we sneak in, and launch a surprise attack."

"Sounds easy enough," I replied.

"Anyway, we need disguise names," Jellal insisted.

"Okay! Meredy, you can be Meldy. No one knows your nickname.." Ultear began.

"Yes! And you can be Ul!" the pink haired mage said. 

Ultear raise an eyebrow, "Meredy, you know I don't..prefer that name. How about..Himitsu?"

"Himitsu?" I asked. 

Himitsu means dark..Does Ultear really feel this guily?

"What will you're name be, Erza?" Meredy asked.

"Knightwalker?" I suggested.

"Yes, and who should I be?" Jellal asked. I opened my mouth, about to respond but the waiter came over and Jellal began to pay.

"We better get going back to the camp. Meet us as the lobby at 5 in the evening. And remember, don't let your guard down, the Rune Knights are still looking for us," Jellal whispered to Ultear and Meredy as he got up.

"Should I wait for you here?" I asked.

"Yes, that would be the safest idea," Jellal said, leaving that cafe.

Be careful..

I will.

My eyes widened, I forgot about our telepathic connection..

Jellal turned around and smiled at me, before exiting the building.

We parted ways and I walked down the hall, looking for my room number.

Sitting at my desk, I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my missed text messages.

Lucy: Hi Erza! How's your S Class mission?

I sighed. I really hated lying to my nakama, but I had no choice. I had to keep it a secret. I replied:

Erza: I'm almost done with the mission. I'll be back in three days.

I tucked my phone away, and pulled out my book.

I actually have some spare time..


Frowning, I pulled my phone back out of my pocket.

Who would text me at this time? Almost all of the guild members are away on missions..

Mira Jane: So, you joined Crime Sorciere without telling anyone?


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