Chapter 17

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Jellal looked at me in horror, guilt washing across his face.

"Your..fiancée...remember?" I whispered, interrupting my awkward train of thought. I looked up and backed away. 

"Yeah...about her.." Jellal whispered back. "She-"

"So how is she? I'd like to meet her someday," Erza interrupted. I suppose I have to play the "pretend Jellal has a fiancee game" again.

"She died." Jellal stated bluntly. A bit too bluntly.

"Wait, what?" I asked, my eyes widening in surprise. Jellal always seemed to catch me off guard.

"My fiancee died," he repeated. "She fell off a cliff."

He really is bad at lying..

"What an amusing lie!" I said, my mouth curving into a small smile. I quickly turned my smile into a pout, "I mean what a terrible tragedy. You must be very sad..Did you attend her funeral? Can you at least tell me what she looked like!"

"Yes I did, yesterday- I mean last month! And she was very..pretty! She had scarlet-" Jellal quickly coughed in embarrassment, "I mean blond hair and um..dark blue eyes," he added, hoping I didn't catch his mistake. I did, of course.

I blinked in surprise, just realizing our faces were getting very close. I could feel his warm breath on my face.

"L-lets try this for the third time again, shall we?" Jellal muttered, half to himself. 

Yes. Jellal was a dork.

I leaned in and closed the gap between our faces. This time it was a real kiss. Not an almost kiss, not a short one. A real one.

We broke away, panting and blushing. "I-I broke Crime Sorciere's rule," Jellal whispered.

I stared at the ground and smiled, "Fairy Tail breaks rules all the time. You're not the only one."

He nodded, trying to calm my jittering heart.

"I'm tired," I announced crawling to my side of the tent and lying down. I turned over so I was facing him and smirked at his flushed face. 

"Goodnight Je-chan."


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