Chapter 19

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Jellal walked to the front of the church and abruptly stopped. Turning around, he yelled, "Hurry up!"

To his surprise, that caused Ultear and Meredy to giggle and me to blush.

Out of all places to stop walking, you had to stop at the altar?

"Did something wrong?" he asked, becoming self-conscious.

"Remind you of something?" Ultear asked casually.

He frowned, and looked up. "What's wrong? You guys are walking with Erza, I'm standing...WHERE AM I STANDING?!"

Jellal jerked his head downwards, and pretended not to notice anything as he ran off the altar and down the hallway leading to the exit.

"Jellal is way too naive," Ultear muttered to us.

"Heard that!" he growled.


"Stop arguing!" Meredy complained. She pointed to a bright purple and green building. "We're here! Chuck-E-Cheese!"

We walked into the brightly lit building and allowed a young lady to stamp a neon purple number on us.

"It's gone!" Jellal exclaimed, twisting his wrist this way and that.

"Its UV light," I explained, fighting back a smile. "It only appears when we're under that special light."

"Not many people here," Jellal commented, looking around.

"Yeah, unlike the one near Fairy Tail," Ultear agreed.

"Oh, that one is under reconstruction," I laughed, "Natsu accidentally destroyed half the games."

"Games?" he asked.

"Yeah, this place is an arcade," Ultear said, handing everyone golden tokens. "And Erza? It would be best if you don't tell your guild about this place. They might destroy it!"

"I won't, don't worry!"

"Let's play!" Meredy interrupted, dragging Ultear to the closest game. "I'll beat you Ul!"

"Hmm..I'm going to play that," Jellal said motioning to the closest video game. Glancing at me, he managed to stutter out, "Want to play?"

To his relief, I replied with a warm smile, "Of course!"

He walked to the game and picked up one of the plastic guns.

"You don't get tickets for this game, though," I warned.

"I know."

"And don't you dare go easy on me, okay?" I said, smiling sweetly.

"Sure," he replied.

I'm going to beat Jellal!

We each inserted a token and chose our character. I aimed my gun at the screen, getting ready to beat my comrade.

Immediately, the game started. Jellal's character ran around the screen, shooting whoever he saw. Fortunately, none of those characters happened to be me. Let's just say, he eventually lost the game. Badly.

Frustrated, he wandered around, trying to find a game where he could win tickets.

"It's okay to relax once in a while," I reassured him..

"Huh?" he asked.

"How many tickets do you have?" I asked, changing the topic.

"134," Jellal answered, eyeing my large stack.

"I have 109," I said.

"Really?" he said in surprise.

"I gave some tickets to Meredy- she wanted that pink bouncy ball," I told him, motioning towards the prize counter.

"Ohhh, I get it! You put the tickets in there, get that tiny receipt thingy, and then trade it for a prize!" he said, my eyes gleaming.

I nodded, "We should count or tickets now."

We walked to the red and black ticket-counter, and Erza took my tickets and fed it into the machine. I couldn't help but watch his calm expression as he decided on a prize behind the counter. After a couple minutes, I realized he wasn't choosing a prize- he was daydreaming.



"Your prize. Choose something."

"Right!" Jellal said, looking through the glass display. "You choose something first."

"How many tickets does that plush strawberry cake cost?" I asked the man.

"130 tickets."

Meredy laughed,"Erza, you're really obsessed with cake!"

"Oh..Then..I'll take that necklace," I whispered, disappointed.

It's just a stupid prize...Who cares if I don't have enough tickets..


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